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"Does that make me crazy for saying that?" I asked Jake as he cautiously stood by the door.

He doesn't answer.

"I mean, I'm not going to kill him anyway..." I scoff at the thought of possibly ending John.

"Someone planned on it?" Jake finally speaks out.

"Someone is going to kill us all. If not now, later. I can just picture it now. "

Jake so badly wanted to say something but chose not too.

"What was that? You wanted to sleep with Obvi before she died? Sick bastard."

"Tris shut it this instant!"

"Because its true? Or because your afraid of the truth? Jake you fail to accept who you are. Joseph and I just observed you like a hawk. Surprisingly, you haven't raped any one-yet."


"Yes, your DNA is highly simialr to your father of course. The both of you are evil spirits and must be terminated."

"Are you threatening me?"

"No, I'm threatening your soul."

"What's the difference?"

"You'll live but the inner you wouldn't. Jake come here." I demand viciously.

"Tris what are you doing?"

"What are you going to do?"

"Ugh-come HERE!!!"

I tie Jake to a chair and began to undress, leaving on my underwear and top.

Elizabeth sneakily enters the room with shock plastered on her face.

"So that's the Jake we've been observing? Interesting..." Elizabeth trails off.

Elizabeth and I knew he'd do anything to take a girls freedom.

"Yup! We knew he'd fall for it. Just like his father. Act all divergent but deep down your just like every other typical teen." Elizabeth and I giggle uncontrollably.

"What is this?" Jake now sounds worried.

I began to dress myself back up and allow Elizabeth to explain.

"Jake, you know information, a little too much information. So we decided to ummm... Tris?"

"Stop you from running your mouth!"

"What have I said?"

"You told Ivan that I spoke with Billy before he died, which is true, but also highly irrelevant!" Elizabeth pouts.

I just continue playing with Billy's spirit.

"Tag!" I shout to Billy.

"Ignore her and focus on me!"

"Elizabeth, you're not crazy so don't play like it!" Jake shouts.

"Stop screaming for God sakes you're scarring away Billy" I say to Jake.

Jake is now terrified and that was the goal to make him shut his trapper.

"John's coming this way hurry and untie him!" Elizabeth stated.

I began to untie Jake and adjust his clothing, like my mother should've done with me.

"Leave!" I yell at him.

"Jake?" John calls.

"I was just leaving..."


We wave at him with a fake smile.

"Uh if you know anything in regards to Billy's death please let me know and keep quite I don't want anyone to freak out."

"Ok John"

John leaves and quietly shuts the door. Now, it's just the two of us in here.

"We actually don't know anything but I believe John does..." I speak with Billy.

"Tris? What?"

"Billy would like if you schedule a gathering tomorrow. All of us. In the drama room."

"Why?" Elizabeth is now irritated.

"Billy just told me who killed him."

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