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I knew he would follow me. Luckily, the halls were crowded so I could escape easily. Its not like I did anything wrong though, right?

"Elizabeth stop running!" I could hear the frustration in Johns voice increasing by the second.

I ran up the stairs and turned left. Here, I was safe. This part of the school is deserted, so you will rarely see people over here.

I began to breathe heavy and sweat. I didn't know where to go, so I walked to the nearest room near the corridor.

I could hear footsteps approaching nearby. I peek around the corner to see who's coming, no one.

Well that's certainly odd. I swear i just heard footsteps earlier.

I make my way to my locker and began fidgeting with the lock pad. This thing just never seem to open.

I turn left, right, left, left.


"Need some help?" John questions as he approaches me.

I was screwed. "Uh, no I have it. Thanks anyway."

"Why did you run?"

"Why did you stare me down in drama?"

"You seemed suspicious. You know something..." John trailed off.

We have a staring contest, and he wins.

"Fine" I scoff at his cheesy smirk. "In my script I read over lines that suggest I kill someone. But I refused so I ran to the cafeteria." I begin to blush now in embarrassment.

A look of confusion took over John's face.

"The cafeteria?"

"Yes. I get hungry when I'm nervous." I responded.

"So where did the blood come from?" John asked with his left eyebrow raised.


"Yes, blood."

"That wasn't blood. It was ketchup from my fries. By the way, it was really overcooked."

"Who do you think put that in the script?" I ask jonh, quickly redirecting the conversation.

"Couldn't be Mr Blue because he never create our scripts or even print them." John states.

"So who prints them?" I asked.

"I don't know. But I will figure it out."
John promised.

Silence filled the atmosphere between us. I could hear him breathing, his cheeks rosy red.

"Are you ok?" I ask while twirling my hair in a circular pattern trying to arouse him. 

"Oh yeah, right. So who do you think died?" John questions while looking around the corner.

"I'm not sure. But Obvi was very suspicious early. She said a name to me fifteen minutes before class was over." I informed him.

John and I continue to peek around the corner to make sure no one is eavesdropping.

Now, I'm pulled closer to him. Again, he is breathing heavy.

I fail to make eye contact with his blue eyes as they pierce my soul. My hands were now shaking from preventing myself from ruffling his hair and just pulling him a bit closer.

But I don't. Instead, I just look away.

"A name?" He asked, staring into my dark brown eyes.

"Yes, Billy."

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