Situation #7: Smiles

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Situation: Pictures will be taken of you.

Peasant: Smile the prettiest you can, although I'm pretty sure that's not possible.

Sassy Remark: Whitten those teeth as much as you can, although I'm pretty sure that's not possible.

(In case this happens)

Peasant: Bitch please, my teeth are already white.

Reply: Yeah, your ever so inspirational teeth. So inspirational, they have a song named after them. You've heard of "black and yellow", right?

Peasant: ...


Well, there's one I just came up with on the spot. I really do wonder if people are using these.

Um, so I would like to know if anyone is actually reading this.

And that I'm not wasting my time writing something no-one even clicks on, or taps.

Hey, my phone auto corrected taps to 5SOS. hehe, funny.

So, if you are reading this, leave a little comment right on this line? Tell me how I'm doing? Thanks. :)

Wow, this authors note is longer than I'd expected. K bye!

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