The Elevator [Part 2]

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a/n: This is the second part. There will be two more parts. :)

Summary: Hanson/Booker oneshot. They get stuck in an elevator after chasing a possible suspect. The others race against time to find them before it's too late.
Characters: Tom, Dennis
Possible pairing: None
Genre: Suspense/Angst/Drama with hints of Crime

At the chapel everything was running slowly.

Judy was on her desk filling up some paperwork when Doug and Harry walked in.

'Hey, Jude." They greeted her tiredly.

"Hi, guys." She responded, taking a look at them and noticing how beaten up they were. "You look exhausted."

"That's because we are." Harry murmured in response, plopping down on his chair. "I can't wait for this case to be over."

Already perched on his own chair Doug looked around.

"Where are Hanson and Booker? Aren't they back yet?"

"Apparently they aren't." Judy replied, trying to push aside the bad feeling she was having all day. "And I think the classes in the school they're undercover at were supposed to be over by now."

They were interrupted by Fuller who walked out of his office in a hurry.

"Guys, has any of you seen Hanson and Booker today?"

"No." They responded in union.

Judy looked at him and realized he looked worried.

"Why? Did something happen?"

"I just got a call from the school they're undercover in, because I posed as their father. Both of them haven't showed up there today and the school principal called me to ask if they were sick."

"What?" Judy's eyes widened. "But that's impossible. I ran into them in the morning and they told me they were on their way to the school."

"That means something happened to them on their way there!" Doug added jumping from his chair.

"Penhall we don't know that for sure. We have to investigate very carefully but as far as we know they could be anywhere. They could've gotten a clue about the suspect and could've gone after him. Hoffs, Ioki, you two will go to Hanson's apartment. See if you can find a clue to where they might have gone. Me and Penhall are going to Booker's place." Fuller sighed, looking at their faces. "And guys..don't worry and don't be quick to jump to assumptions. They're both trained police officers. Whatever happened they'll be ok. We'll find them."

Everyone nodded before hurrying out of the chapel.

Judy and Harry climbed into her car and she drove off to Tom's place. Once they'd arrived, Judy ran up the stairs to the floor Hanson's apartment was at, followed closely by Harry. She searched for his spare key and unlocked the door, bursting inside.

"Tom?" She called out his name hoping he and Booker might actually be inside. "Hello, anybody home?!"

When she got no response she and Harry walked further inside searching through the rooms. Harry searched Tom's bedroom and Judy searched the living room.

"There's nothing here." Ioki announced, emerging from inside the bedroom.

"I couldn't find anything either." Judy said quickly.

Meanwhile in Booker's apartment Penhall and Captain Fuller didn't have any success either.

"Captain, there's nothing here." Penhall said, walking out of the bedroom.

"Yeah, same goes for this room." Fuller motioned around the living room.

Doug went over and pressed the button on the voicemail machine next to the phone. There was one message and it was from Tom.

"Booker, it's Hanson. I thought about what you said earlier and you were right. The key really is in the beginning. I went through the details of the case and I think I might have a clue of where the suspect is hiding the drugs. Call me when you hear this, ok?! We need to act fast if we want to catch him red handed."

Captain Fuller and Doug shared a knowing look.

"Call Judy and Ioki and tell them to meet us in the chapel. We need to go through the cause and see if we could find out what Hanson noticed. If they went after the suspect they could be in trouble." Fuller said and Penhall nodded, grabbing the phone and dialing Tom's number.

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