Blood Magic?

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The two were currently inside a small burger joint not too far from where they had encountered the Lost Boys. Only half an hour before they didn't have the money for a burger but that was, sadly, easily taken care of. Now that they were sitting the older girl knew the real reason they had come here would be brought up soon enough.

"Okay spill!" Ginny said before taking a sip of her muggle soda.

"I kind of wish you were asking me to spill my overpriced coke," Hermione joked halfheartedly.

"Hermione! Come on talk to me. You froze earlier. What was up with that?"

The curly haired witch sighed, "It's just... it hit me then that this was real."

The redhead looked at her like she'd grown a second head. "The past day wasn't real enough for you?"

The non-magical witch shook her head at her friend and tried to make her understand, "It was but suddenly hearing that voice and seeing them in person, it was just... terrifying."

Ginny blinked owlishly, "You mean you were afraid of them but you weren't before."

"That's because it didn't hit me; our situation. I mean, of course I knew we were in danger but seeing them made me realize how much because, like it or not, these guys can literally tear us apart."

Ginny grimaced and took a bigger gulp from her glass. "Okay but Hermione, we've been in danger before. You especially. So what's different this time?"

"You're right." Looking at her arm and the currently covered 'mudblood' scar she sighed, "I've been in danger, more so than we currently are, but even when I was helpless and alone I still had magic... Whether I was able to do anything with it at the time didn't matter so much as the fact that it was there and it always has been. Even when I didn't know it. And now, being so close to man-eating monsters, I don't have it. It just all hit me at once and I froze."

Ginny nodded again looking thoughtful, "Okay. I get it more than I'd like to now that you've explained it but we really can't afford to dwell on that."

Hermione pursed her lips and took a drink before continuing, "You're right I'll make up for it the next time I see them."

"That's another problem though. The story is moving right on along and by tomorrow Michael will probably be a halfie."

Ginny frowned into her drink. The brunette did the same before adding her own thoughts.

"We won't have many opportunities to change the story hanging out on the boardwalk. Not in any meaningful ways. If he is a..." she glanced around before whispering the next part, "Half-vampire tomorrow then the only change would be his brother Sam but even he'll catch onto something being up when the part with the reflection and the flying happens."

"So, any ideas?" The other girl asked.

"Unfortunately, none for tonight seeing as they're at the cave by now. And unless you've got a broomstick hidden somewhere and can actually fly it we're not getting anywhere close to that cave tonight."

"Does make me curious how far a walk that would be," the redhead said trying to lighten up the mood.

"Even you, with all your athletic skills, wouldn't be able to pull it off. Not with the fog out there at any rate."

The two girls sat in silence sipping their drinks. Ginny's eyes landed on her friend's arm. "I was kind of surprised before when we were trying on clothes that it was still there. I mean magic made it... sure it was dark magic, but still magic and if magic is like blocked or nonexistent in this world then it would make sense if that scar had disappeared altogether. You even still have the one from when we broke into the Ministry."

Hermione and the Lost Boys (Harry Potter/Lost Boys Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now