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Ginny was fiddling with her straw while staring at the wall of the fast food joint she was currently in. It didn't have the answers she sought though. Hermione had just gone to the bathroom and, while the redhead said she'd wanted to finish her drink first, the truth was she needed some time to think. Think about the mess she'd gotten herself into. And what a mess it was.

Listening to Hermione talk about how they always had magic before made it really hit home that Ginny herself was currently powerless. It wasn't a feeling that she liked.

If that weren't enough, getting home and getting her power back relied on her ability to woo a vampire into sleeping with her and, while she was confident in her ability to do just that, there was still the pesky problem of not dying in the process... Her parents had already lost one child, as much as it pained her to think about Fred, she didn't want them to lose another.

Sighing, she stirred her drink, which was now pretty watered down by ice, with her straw. Ginny knew that they could change the movie even without their powers because the two of them were smart and determined enough to do it. But, really, why did her drunken self think it was a clever idea to add onto that? Taking a sip of her drink and cursing her luck as well as her taste in guys, she glanced over at the bathroom.

"Hermione sure is taking her sweet time..."

And now she was talking to herself her mind supplied sarcastically, before she started feeling restless and took out the straw to chug the rest of the drink. After finishing that Ginny made her way to the women's restroom.

Pushing open the door, she was surprised to not see anyone at the sinks. That only left the three stalls, one of which was open, so Ginny turned her attention to the other two, "Hermione?"

Hearing no response, she walked up to the closest one and knocked only to have it open. No one in there. Now she was worried. Shoving the door beside that one lead to the same outcome, no one was in it.

Hermione wasn't in there.

She was alone.

Ginny was close to panicking at this point.

"Calm down. I must have just missed her. She's probably back at the table." Having told herself that she left the bathroom and found that she wasn't at the table nor in the rest of the small fast food place. It didn't take more than five minutes to search everywhere it had to offer.

"Okay think Ginny," she whispered to herself.

She wouldn't have just left without her, not of her own accord. If someone tried to force her to go with them... that couldn't happen. There was no way she would've left quietly.

What other options did that leave?

Ginny decided to give the washroom another look. The second time the redhead noticed something she hadn't before. Splattered next to the sink was a small amount of blood and upon taking a closer look it seemed to be next to a piece of glass. The amount of blood wasn't worrisome, but it was her only clue. Grabbing some paper towels, she picked it up.

It was fresh obviously, and the place was almost dead tonight so it was likely Hermione's blood. But what did it have to do with her disappearance?

Even if they were no longer in their world Hermione was still Hermione and to leave her blood just laying around somewhere wasn't like her, even if it couldn't be used in spells-

"Wait... That's it! Maybe..."

Well, it was worth a try. After all this was a vampire movie so it was possible but even if her blood held magic, using it was a whole different story.

Hermione and the Lost Boys (Harry Potter/Lost Boys Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now