Valentine's Dance

42 11 29

So my school did the valentine's dance today after school from 4-6pm.

Yes I went, C bought a ticket for me, Alyssa and her boy were going and also some of my other friends were too.

If you think I wore a dress you are MISTAKEN.

I wore what I did to school that day:

Ripped jeans, jacket, long sleeved Metallica shirt from a concert I wish I was able to go to, and my normal black shoes. Also lip gloss and mascara.

I wore my everyday accessories:

• Two band wristbands which were MCR (it said "I'm Not Okay") and TOP (it said "MY TASTE IN MUSIC IS YOUR FACE). I own a shitload of band wristbands don't judge me.

• Watch.

• Black ring on my middle finger cuz why the fuck not.

• And a choker cuz fuck off I don't wear it every single day.

So after the bell rang we had like 10 minutes so the boys and girls went around to the locker rooms to show their tickets and stuff. There were girls getting ready (I was choking on the smell of perfume) then we got to go into the gym where it was. I brought my phone even tho Alyssa put my backpack in her locker, I got paranoid.

We just stood awkwardly and scared at first (except Alyssa she was dancing while we were waiting). My two other friends finally came when they made us all go onto the bleachers for rules.

They were just going over dress code still being on and other shit like that "IT MAY BE THE VALENTINE'S DANCE BUT YOU WILL BE KICKED OUT FOR PDA!"

One of my's friend's got dress coded as soon as she walked in smh.

They then did the princess, prince, king, and queen. They just used costumes and flowers lmao.

So yeah we went to a corner area to just hang out. My friend (let's call her M) got me a red rose! If you know me well you'll know I love roses. I let her borrow my jacket too since she was cold. She offered to hold the rose for me the whole time and give it back along with the jacket after it.

She was looking really cute and I took a pic! But I can't show it cuz privacy.

THEN we just went to the bleachers and hung out. We just messed around and had fun. I enjoyed it!

I'm a Hispanic girl who can't dance ;-;

I DID actually TRY to dance though.

Single Ladies came on and I felt hyped up so Alyssa and I just got up and tried.

She can dance, I can't. I ended up standing and barely moving my hips.

A was telling her "you can't sing that anymore cuz you're not a single lady"


They took a pic of C and I but I also just don't want to show that cuz I look like trash.

Anyways my voice is tired since the only way we could communicate with people there was by yelling and screaming since it was LOUD AS FUCK. Also just school. Now I'm in my pj's and watching YouTube.

I only really had fun cuz I got to spend time with awesome people.

I put the rose in my room. It looks pretty and I can't wait til it blooms :>

I still can't comment or reply to comments cuz wattpad can't work bye.

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