g'DaY m8

30 6 10

So to explain why I was dead for almost a week, it was because I kinda wanted to just get away from my phone and most social media for some time because of personal shit blah blah blah. i also am pretty much addicted to wattpad so i needed to get away. However there were a few people I still messaged when I could. Sorry if I made anyone worry.

Well I guess an update on life:

• We got the pills I needed. I've felt some difference but like my schedule for taking it is all over the place right now.

• I'm starting to watch more of what I eat so my fatass can loose weight. I'm also trying some exercises that have good results to: build my hips because I have hip dips and I hate them so much (I don't know if my hips should exist already but they don't so). Also to get rid of love handles. I'll update my progress if it's major.

Does anyone know if the lemon juice thing to burn belly fat really works?

• My sleeping schedule is still shit.

• After talking about it for a month we got a Nintendo gaming console. There's like 30 games to choose from but I like to playing Kirby on it.

(So if y'all are ever in AZ stop by my house so we can play Mario bros)

• I noticed my brother has somewhat matured. There are still moments he has, but I'm now able to talk to him and we can be nice to each other. We even vented waking to 7/11 last week.

• I really am just not ready for school next week. This summer really made me more isolated and hate going anywhere outside my house unless it was with someone to talk to or usually that would talk for me. I can never feel comfortable doing anything in public even as much as sitting or standing. I hate the way I walk and run too.

• We went to a school orientation the other day and holy shit it was a waste of time. I also got proof I wasn't ready for it because my social anxiety is a bitch and I didn't even want to even go up and talk to a teacher I already knew because I didn't even wanna wait in the short line of kids.

Since our school system is changing it's fucking confusing and the orientation didn't help shit. I'm gonna be lost

Good news tho one of my friend's is coming this year...

But only for like 6 months :(

• I cleaned out my memes twice. Most of them were from about a year or two ago when I was in my hardcore band phase. I also found some leftover memes I forgot to delete from my creepypasta phase. Ew.

• I'm really just not happy about facing some people. I'm way too fucking annoying and loud even to my friends and really need to keep my mouth shut around certain people especially with my humor.

I'm not kidding when I say I'm annoying. Last year I annoyed the shit out of one of my friends (who is very open, loud, and energetic) to where she would straight up say "shut up you're annoying as hell". Also everyone else looked done with my shit whenever I opened my mouth.

• New theme oof. Who knows who's in my icon?

I need someone to help me stan Monsta X and I still haven't chosen a Twice bias.

I really wanna try stanning Exo cuz they have good music but they've done problematic things jsdjjf.

K bye

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K bye.

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