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About Glee - Oh my god, the scene of Mike with his mother just made me tear up. It was so cute. And Shane is a good boyfriend, although Samcedes is cuter.

I quite dislike Artie though. He's slightly annoying to me. Artie and Blaine are the two characters I dislike the most.



[Cool Ranch:]
What's sup?

[Tall Freak:]
Everything okay?

What do you need?

Something happened with
Lo, and we need help.

[Lolo's Girl:]
What happened to her? She
better be okay Camila!

She ate some brownies...

I am so there.


That Morning

"We won't be home until late at night," Ally told the girls, watching as Lauren and Camila ate their cereal and Normani paid attention.

"We left money for pizza. Just take care of the house and no parties. Your friends may sleep over, but no funny business," Dinah said, looking at Normani.

"What kind of funny business?" Lauren asked, frowning.

Dinah and Ally looked at each other. "Nothing you or Camila have to worry about. But we love you and will see you tomorrow."

The three girls said their goodbyes and watched their mothers leave the house. Normani stood up and looked at her younger sisters. "C'mon, time for school."

Camila went to grab their things while Lauren made sure Leo had water and food and say her goodbye.


Camila came out to her friends during lunch. Lauren and Ariana held her hands while she told the others that she likes girls.

Dua and Halsey, who hadn't really known five year old Camila, were the only shocked ones. Everyone else just smiled and told her they still loved her and that she was her life. (Although one smiled even brighter than the others).

With a red face, Camila smiled at her friends.

"So, our moms are leaving for the day and they said you guys can sleep over," Camila told the kids around the table.

"We can dress Leo up," Keana said, smirking at Lauren.

The green eyed girl looked surprised. She shook her head. "No please."

Lauren's friends started to tease her while Lucy tried to defend her.

Austin turned to Camila. "You know we still love you."

Camila smiled. "I didn't want to let my moms down."

"Mama A and Mama D love you Mila. They can never be mad," Austin said, smiling softly. (Austin's father passed away when he was younger and his mother worked hard to support him and herself, Dinah and Ally became another parental figure to him. They invited Austin and his mother for dinner a few times.)

Camila smiled, as she nodded her head. Her friends hugged her as she smiled, loving how her frineds were still the same as they were before.


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