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David's P.O.V.

     I was laying on Scotty's couch, editing. It was 11:24am, Operation HappySire was in 6 hours and 36 minutes. I looked over at Scotty and sighed, he was editing as well. But his face was sad, you would only be able to tell if you had known him for a long time though. He was editing a 7 minute vlog. Short for him but long for me. I couldn't wait for Operation HappySire, to get to see one of my best friends finally happy again. I smiled at this thought, and went back to working on my new vlog, where Scotty was in almost every part.

Kristen's P.O.V.

     This morning I had asked Scott if he wanted to walk Link, to cheer him up, he said yes. But when he came back, he looked the exact same. That lost, sad, puppy look on his face hadn't left.

     I was editing my new youtube video, same as David and Scotty. I couldn't wait for Operation HappySire to begin. I checked the time, 6 hours and 2 minutes. I took a deep breath, the plan will work, the plan has to work.

     I was playing with Link, she was so much bigger than when Scotty got her for me. I smiled, remembering that day.

              I thought we were recreating Scotty's vlog starting. I popped out from under the blankets and saw a tiny, golden, puppy sitting there.
I named her Link, and after a few minutes everyone had teared up. She was so cute, and Scotty was so nice to get her for me.
Having a dog made me think about having a baby, which made me start to think about starting a family with Scott. I love him.

     I sighed, I really hoped Operation HappySire worked, so everything could go back to normal. Or better than normal, like another Sire or Mcatee running around. I smiled, and went back to playing with Link.

Don't mind this, making it 420 words.

Hey bbs!
Hope you enjoyed!
Word Count: 420 (kek)
Scotty's new vlog was so cute omg (the
sponsored one posted on Friday)
I'm not the one to say this but, the
story's nearing it's end.
Don't get all sad!
It'll probably end in 5-10 chapter's time:/
But I have a Vlog Squad OneShots book
waiting to be published, and a cool idea
for a new book called, "Our Life Sucks"
can you see a pattern with these names?
Wow this is getting long!
*summersaults out of room*

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