A Night To Forget

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Season 4 episode 19

"Why am I going to this again?" I groaned, holding out my arms as the lady I compelled measured my body for a dress fitting. My second fitting because it was too big.

"You said you'd help as a sign of new faith and trust, we need you to come to keep an eye on Elena," Stefan said, throwing the football to Damon.

"But I hate prom. I hate high school. I went once in the 90s, and never went back."

"You're going. That's final," Damon said, tossing the ball back to Stefan.

"So which one of you will be my date? Or are you both taking Elena like at the ball. That was kind of weird you know." I turned like the lady told me to.

"I got you in as a chaperone, you don't need a date," Damon said.

"Fine, but you both owe me a dance." I said and they both groaned.

"Okay, are we done here? I have family matter's to attend to." I said, glancing at my watch.

"Yeah, we'll stay here and figure out a way for Elena to flip her switch. Call you if we need anything," Damon said.

"Same here." I hopped off the stool and compelled the lady to leave. I put on my jacket and left the boarding house to Niklaus'.

When I walked into the house Rebekah was in the middle of 'Why I should be human' speech. Her and both my brothers were sitting in the dining area at the table. I pulled a chair out and sat beside Niklaus.

"Wonderful of you to finally join us," Niklaus whispered quietly to me. I ignored him and listened to Rebekah.

"Elijah, being human means a fresh start. I can grow old and have a family. And fill my days with meaning, knowing that each one matters."

"Well, that was poetic," Nik laughed.

"Well, if you can provide us with a more compelling reason for wanting the cure, Klaus, please." Elijah said.

Klaus leaned up in his seat and folded his hands together on the table. "Silas can appear as anyone. He got inside my thoughts, convinced me I was dying. He will torment me until I give him the cure."

"And in doing so, he will break down the wall to the other side."

"So it doesn't trap him there when he dies," Klaus argued with her. "He wants to reunite with his lost soul mate. You, of all lovesick fools, should applaud his devotion."

"He will open the floodgates for every supernatural being that has ever died."

"Including our dear brothers Finn an Kol. We'll have our family back," he said.

I'd love to be a family again. Minus that mother and father would also be back. I just want all my siblings here.

"Please! You hated Kol. And you kept Finn in a box for most of his life," Rebekah said.

"Bekah, I want my brothers back," I whined. "And I don't want to lose you."

"So, you're on his side?" Rebekah yelled.

"As much as I hate to admit, maybe I am. You all know how much family is to me. I miss Kol and Finn dearly. I would do anything to see them once more."

"Elijah, please," said Niklaus.

"Your personal discomfort might not be sufficient reason for putting the entire world in Jeapordy, Klaus, Elizabeth. I think our sister deserves a shot at happiness." Elijah said. Rebekah smiled while Klaus and I did not.

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