Chapter One: Beacon Academy

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*Y/N's POV*

Leaving home isn't as easy as you think it is. Sure you have all the freedom and worry free from your parents. But sooner or later you'll feel a pinch of loneliness along the way. People say that the journey that lies ahead is a mystery. Hopefully, that saying is true.

Usually, the average human would leave home without a second thought. Blinded by the thirst for freedom by the caretaker. However, that thirst is not present for me. The thought of being all by myself just frightens me. The only protection I have is self-defense learned by the academy I'm going.

"Welp... We're here Y/N." Mom said and stopped in her tracks at least a few feet from the bullhead.

"Yeah... Here we are." I sighed and turned to my mom and dad.

Dad handed me my bag and held mom close by her shoulder. They both had a mix of happy and sad smiles. I see my mom starting to tear up, dad had tears streaming down his face. I took this time to embrace them both.

"I'll miss you guys so much," I said trying not to burst out crying.

"We will too, dear," Dad cried

"The flight for Beacon Academy will be departing shortly" I hear the announcer say on the intercom.

"I gotta go," I said solemnly

"Be careful, and stay safe please." Mom said and held both my shoulders.

"I will, I love you both!" I said. I kissed them on the cheek and carried my bags.

I turned back once more to smile and wave goodbye. They both waved, my mother in dad's embrace. I took one last look and walked inside, the feeling of sadness lay heavily on my shoulders. I sat near the window to look at them one last time. They waved mouthing "I love you" over and over. I mimicked the action and felt the bullhead start.

I felt a single tear shed. The vehicle started to move. It took off minutes later, the image of my parents started to shrink and turn into the blue sky. I wiped the tear away and sighed deeply. Now I was all alone to a new life in a new academy.

I recently moved from a school name Signal Academy. I was named the smartest and the strongest. The staff though it would be a good idea to transfer to Beacon. I only had a year left until hitting this school but shrugged it off as no big deal. People around me say otherwise and that I was lucky.

I tell classmates that it was really nothing. Nothing's "lucky" about leaving your home to go to another school. Adding the fact that people don't know you and you don't know them. I'm not even worried about who I end up with. Just about events happening back home.

I shrug everything off to clear my mind of occurrences around me. I plugged into some music and rest my head against the window.

*Later on*

I stopped daydreaming to the sound of people around me sighing in awe. So loud that I can hear it through my music on full blast. I take my headphones off and store them in my bag. When I looked out the window, there stood the castle-like academy assigned for me. Right in front of me was Beacon Academy.

I'll admit, it was as breathtaking as rumors had been told. So beautiful that it made me stare speechlessly as well. This place is where I'll be staying for four years.

"Attention passengers! We will be landing in approximately five minutes. Please stay in your seats till landing. Thank you." The lady in the intercom announced.

Then appeared a hologram of a blonde woman with green eyes. Her clothing was like you'd see on a fairy tale witch.

"Hello. My name is Glynda Goodwitch," she announced in a calm polite tone. I stand corrected at the last name.

A Burning Heart (Cinder Fall x Female Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora