Chapter Nine: Fear's Toll

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*T/M2's POV*

"Take Y/N, and run as fast as you can to the infirmary!" Goodwitch instructed.

"Yes, ma'am!" I responded as I picked up Y/N's cold body.

I began to run as if it was from something chasing me. The only thing that followed was T/M1 and T/M3. Both of them had a worried expression.

Especially the familiar faces that we ran past. Team RWBY, JNPR, and CVFY were in awe as I ran past with an almost lifeless body.

"Forgive me, Forgive me." Y/N mumbled, loud enough for me to hear.

I choked on the lump in my throat and did my best to stay strong. "Hang in there, Y/N." I breathlessly spoke trying to deny the trail of tears flying off my face due to the wind.

The entrance to the hospital was close. I push through the doors, knocking people away from me.

"We need help!" I beg.

"What's wrong with her?" A doctor asked as I put her on a stretcher.

"We were on a mission, and somethings taking control. Please do something! And fast!" T/M1 pleaded.

"We'll do our best!" The doctor assured and pushed the stretcher past the doors into the emergency room. Y/N was out if sight.

T/M1 dropped to her knees and began sobbing. T/M3 held her in an embrace and began crying as well. I held in my tears and sat in the nearest chair feeling hopeless. I slouch as I watch my girlfriend and teammate grieve about our beloved friend. It was like attending a funeral.

The sound of running footsteps was heard from outside. Team RWBY burst through the doors.

"What happened!?" Ruby panted.

The two other teams walked in as well. Looking at the mess we three are.

"Is everything alright?" Pyrrah asks and sat down next to me.

"Y-Y/N..." I muttered and allow tears to come out of my eyes. I clench my fist and teeth with anger, trying to fight it. But nothing helped.

"What about her? Is she hurt?" Blake asked and sat down on the other side of me.

I didn't answer. Pyrrah's hand was laid on my shoulder. I embrace her, in need of comfort, then cry my heart out. I felt her hand pat my back.

*Y/N's POV*

"You never were and never be a true L/N!" Father scolded.

"You were a mistake! I wish you never born!" Mother sneered.

I can hear S/N crying, as it echoes in the darkness. I just stand there shaking in never-ending doubt and hate. There's nothing I could do now than waste away into a forgotten corpse.

"Talk about worst teammate ever!" T/M3 laughs.

"Unfit for a leader!" T/M1 snapped.

"You call yourself a huntress?! Hah! You can't even use your own weapon! You drag!" T/M2 spat hurtful words like acid.

What if she's right? What if they're all right? Maybe I should just end it all and say goodbye to my own life. Who knows? Maybe someone will use my bones for something actually useful.

All of a sudden, a light shines on me. As if it was a spotlight for a show or play. It began getting bigger and bigger. I could hear steady beeping every 2-3 seconds. The light soon began to be unbearable and almost blinding. I cover my eyes and then open them back up.

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