Chapter Fourteen: Behind Hurt Eyes

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*Flashback* (Lilith's POV)

Numb.... I felt so numb.

I felt really numb when that bullet hit me, and my own sister being dense as ever. She never caught on what went behind closed doors when we were little. Dad would smack me around if I didn't let him touch me. Mom would yell and hit me with various objects if I didn't do what she wanted. The little brother just called me names.

All of that... And she never knew.

I didn't have the strength to tell her at that time. I was really worried about how I would look to her if I did. I thought that she wouldn't believe me. It's too late now. After I'd pay those guys to hurt them I thought it was enough. No. No it wasn't.

Then those same guys threatened to kill T/M3 if I'd didn't join them. So I did, if it only meant that she was safe. And there I was lying on the cold dirt and bleeding out carelessly.

I was then found by fellow White Fang soldiers and taken into extreme medical care.

Even when I recovered, I still felt numb.

*Flashback end*

"You wanted to see me, Mr. Torchwick?" I asked.

"Yes indeedy I did! And for the last time, it's Torchwick. Drop the formalities already." He sighed.

I nodded in response.

"I'm sending you and a handful of soldiers to a place up in Vacuo. Take out that pesky checkpoint and claim it as ours." He ordered.

"Yes si- Er... I mean Torchwick." I stumbled from formality.

"Good. Now run along, I have a meeting with the boss lady." He dismissed.

*The next morning* (T/M2's POV)

We all woke up a bit refreshed from the whole trip here. Y/N and T/M1 went to go get breakfast while I told them we'd be there. T/M3 still looked sad after what happened yesterday. And the story she told us....

I don't want her to be sad the entire mission. So I'm gonna do what I must to see her smile. She stood up from her bed and walked towards me.

"Alright. Ready to head out?" She asked.

"Not yet. There's something I want first..." I ponder.

"You need anything?" She questioned.

I quickly grab her hand and pull her on my lap, earning a little yelp from her.

"Wh-What. Babe?!" T/M3 stuttered.

"I need you to tell me you're alright. Truthfully." I slightly demand looking up at her.

I gripped her waist to let her know that I was serious. She blushed and turned her head away from me. I huff and start to kiss her neck.

"H-Hey! Are you crazy?! They're waiting for us!" She silently yelled.

I didn't answer unless she told me what I want to hear.

"B-Babe, I'm fine! Really." T/M3 struggled to form a sentence.

I knew that wasn't truthful and she just wanted to get off before the others came back. Instead I gave extra love to the spot she was weakest the most. I started to bite it so she knew that I'd leave a mark.

She was struggling at first but then she slowly gave in. Her little whimpers were as cute as ever.

"O-Okay! Okay! I'll talk..." She said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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