Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit.

"Mister??? Ca oo help me? I got wost when wunning fwom bad men. Day twy to hurt me and famiwy. Onwe I got out. Mister???" The young girl said, not noticing that I was slowly walking away from her. I have to get out of here. This little girl is so young and innocent, it woud be a waste to take away such a precious life.

"Ummm, sure... just close your eyes and I'll take you to the nearest town. Okay?"

"Otay!!! Danks Mister! Mister? Me eyes are closed now. Ca we go?"

"Yeah, I'm coming. I'm going to pick you up and carry you on my soldiers so you don't trip over anything. Okay?" Hopefully the nearest town isn't very far. I need to get her to the outskirts of the town and then run like there's no tomorrow; something I won't have if a human finds me, seeing as I'm still a mortal.

All of the humans that have heard rumor about me think I was born immortal, which isn't true. I was born human, but since only my dad is a Slender, I underwent an excruciating... change... when I turned 50. That change only made me look like a Slender. I don't become a real slender until I turn 200. Until that time comes, I'm just a creepy mortal that scares the shit out of people.

"Ah we omost dere?" asked the child while yawning, swalling a mouth-full of bugs.

"Yeah, just a few more minutes. Okay?"

"Otay. Do oo no wat town we go to?"

"A town called... Reedsburg. We're here. I'm going to set you down once we get to a place that can take care of you okay? Keep your eyes closed until I tell you you can open them."

"Why? Ah oo afwaid a bein seen?"

"Yes little one. I... I have a skin condition! It's so bad this time of year that people have tried to kill me because I look like a witch, at least that's what they say."

"Oh... ca oo wet me down? I no my way awound Weedsburg, I wiv here."

Oh thank God (sorry again mom!)! "Okay. I'm going to put you down and then run away so I don't scare people. Is that okay?"

"Uh-hu. Bu-by Mister!"

Run! I have to get out of this town as fast as possble! Wiat, why does thuis street look familiar? Shit! My teleporting skills suck!! I never left! Well, at least I know what town I was living in... But shit! They're probablly still drafting people, meaning that I have to run, and run fast. Damn, I know I was told to never be jealous of others, but I so wish I had the speed of one of my old vampire friends. Wait a sec! The woods! Vampire and wearwolves live in the woods, so why can't I? I just hope they'll take me how I am and let me live with at least one of them...

"Who are you?"

What? Who the hell was that? Oh god... please don't let it be a human, then I would have to kill.

"I asked you a question. Answer me before I get pissed off. Who are you?"

Damn it, I have to answer them. It it's what I think it is, then they could kill me in a second. "I... I don''t have a name. I'm just trying to find a place to live away from the humans so they don't discover me... just like you, I think."

"How do you know about us?" A young girl (why does it have to by a girl?) jumps out of the tree, landing on her two feet like she's done it a thousand times. She has long, wavy bright brown hair that reaches her knee caps. She has bright red eyes, so I guess she is a vampire. Yes!!! I know that' a bad thing since I still smell a bit human, but at least she isn't human, that would have been bad.

"I'm a Slender. I'm the only one in this side of the world, the rest of us are in England. You're a vampire, am I right?"

"Ye- yeah... and how do you know about vampires again?"

'My only friends in England were vampires because me and my family were exiled from our little island in the south when my father, the prince of all Slenders, decided he would rather marry a servant than a noble. I came to America after an accident about fifty years ago."

"Well, that explains who you are, but if you're a Slender, why do you smell human?"

"That's a long story. Let's just say my mom's mom was kidnapped and had to work for the royal Slender family. She was pregnant when kidnapped, and gave birth. My mom was born a servant, and my dad fell in love with her. That got married, dad got kicked out of village, and had me. I was born human, but when I turned five, I started changing into a Slender. I'm still a mortal for another fifty years, but I'm also a Slender. If the king of the Slender's knew about me, he would surly come looking for me and try to kill me, saying I'm a dirty-freak."

"Well, that explains why you're acting so scared around me. So, you need a place to hide for awhile?"

"Oh my Devil yes! But, what's the catch. Vampire's- no offence- don't do things this... caring... for free."

"Ha!!! You are right though. I want you to bw my personal servant until you become immortal. If you say no... then I'll probablly kill you. I haven't drank in about two weeks, so I'm really thirsty. You have two minutes to make your choice before I choose for you." The vampire said with an evil smirk at the end, to tell me that she's serious. What do I do? My parents would kill me if they found out I worked for a vampire, but if I don't work for her, then she'll kill me in an instant.

"I... I choose..."

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