Chapter 11

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"Hell no!" Jeff yelled. I was in the living room with everybody, including Kristina, to tell them what they had to do and the condition she had.

"But Jeff, you're always saying you're beautiful. Kristina can't see anything, she's blind. The only way she'll be able to 'see' how beautiful you are is if she can memorize the layout of your face and memorize your voice. It does feel weird, but she needs to live with us. Either that, or she dies,"

"I'd rather her die... NOBODY IS ALOUD TO TOUCH MY FACE!!!!" Jeff yelled, scaring Kristina.

"I... it's okay Jeff, I just won't figure out what my favorite Creepypasta looks like. I think that's what I'll long for the most living here..." Kristina whimpered, curling up into a ball leaning against me.

"Favorite, hu? Uggggggg, fine. But only this once."

"Yippeeee!!! Thank you Jeff!" Squealed Kristina.

"I was just kidding Slendy. Jeff isn't my favorite, BEN is. I've always loved BEN the most. I just said that because I was curious about what Jeff's face looks like." I heard Kristina think.

Kristina put her hands in front of her face, waiting for Jeff to give her his face. He did, thinking that he was his favorite. Kristina took her hands and slowly maneuvered them over his face. She felt his scar, gasping at how long the cuts were. She went over to fell where his eyes where, only to find no eyelids. She squealed like a little girl when she felt around his eyes, looking for a sign of eyelids, only to find smooth skin around Jeff's eyes.

"S...So you don't have any eyelids? What color is the skin around your eyes?"

"Ugggg... no I don't have eyelids. The color of skin around my eyes are black. Can I go now?' Jeff wined--he clearly wanted to go out for a kill.

"Yes Jeff," I said in an angry tone. "You can go 'beautify' people. No more than twenty though, the others will be heading out once they're done here helping Kristina." Of course. I finish talking and he slams the door, not answering me.


Finally, we're done. It took Kristina two-and-a-half-hours to go through everybody.

"Hey Kristina," said BEN. "Do you want to go upstairs and listen to music?"

"Kristina, come play with me! I'm bored!!!!" Exclaimed Sally, prolonging the release of the 'o' sound in bored.

"Okay Sally. Grab my hand, and help me to your room. Tell me when to step-up or step-down because of stairs, okay That way, I won't hurt myself."

"O-tay! Daddy, can you start dinner? I'm hungry!"

"Okay Sally, I'll start dinner right away... Kristina. How do you like your steak?"

"Well done. Do you think you could do that?"

"Yeah, that shouldn't be to hard. I'll come and get you in about an hour, dinner should be done by then."

"O-tay daddy! Come on Kristina! Lets go play house! You be the mommy, and I'll be your little girl!"

"Okay, okay Sally. Calm down. I'll try to be the best mommy I can for you with the condition I have okay? But don't be surprised if I accidentally hurt you, I don't know where anything is in this place! It's like a giant maze!"

Sally carefully leads Kristina up to her room. I take the time to reflect on my life: I have amazing brothers (even if they do like to play mean tricks on me), I have a wonderful daughter, I have all of my 'kids' that have kept me on the edge of my seat ever since they arrived here, and now Kristina. Sweet, innocent Kristina with her dark-chocolate hair, her perfect figure, how she can be so cheerful and act as if nothing is wrong with her life. If it wern't for her blindness, she woud be perfect in everyway possible...

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