Chapter 12

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Kristina Kramer's P.O.V.

I've lived with Slenderman and the other 'Creepypastas' for about a month now. It's weird, they're always coming and going, not telling me where, from the little I know about 'pastas, they probably go out to kill. I'm starting to get use to the first floor of the mansion, but I still need help getting to and using the huge bathroom... and getting to my room by myself? Forget it. Slenderman told me that I'm going to have somebody different everyday to help guide me around... he said that that was because if someone had to help me for an entire week, they would probably kill me...

"Kristina, are you awake?" I instantly recognized the voice as BEN's, the one person that I trusted, besides Slenderman, when he's in a good mood.

"Yeah, come in." I heard the door open and slowly sat up from my laying position on my bed. I faced the door, I think, and tried to look at BEN. "What's up?" I tried to talk as casual as I could seeing as I was living with a house-hold of killers who probably wanted to kill me.

"Slender's brothers are visiting. You were supposed to meet them first, but they left so say 'hi' to their mom in England."

"So, am I going to meet them now? Or later?" I'm always nervous meeting new people, what if they don't like me? What if they make fun of me? And in the situation I somehow found myself stuck in, will they kill me?

"Now, they're downstairs in the living room as we speak."

"Oh... can you help me get there?" I know I could probably get there by myself, but BEN's my guide this week, and I love BEN... there. I said it.

BEN held my hand and gently pulled me to the living room down the stairs.

"Splendor, Offender, Trender, this is Kristina. She's the human living with us that Slender told you about.

"Is she the one that's blind? Explains the horrid outfit..." I heard someone say. I instantly hated them.

"I don't know who you are, but how is it my fault?!?! I was born this way. I can't help it. And with BEN wearing a Link outfit, Jeff and his bloody hoodie, and Slender with his suit's which are way to long for me, I would rather dress myself and look like an idiot than letting one of them choose an outfit that I can never see." I knew that he was one of Slenderman's brothers, so he could probably kill me if he wanted to, but I hate it when people make fun because of my blindness.

"Wow Trender, you just owned by a blind girl." I heard a low, gentle voice say.

"BEN, who was that that just spoke?"

"That was Offender. He's fine, but listen to me when I say NEVER. EVER. Take a rose from him."

"Okay. And, you said there was another one? Ummm, Splendor, right?"

"Yep!" I heard a high, happy sounding voice say.

"BEN, is there anyway to tell me what there faces look like so I don't have to feel them?"

"Yeah. Splendy has eyes and a mouth, Offender (who we call Smexy) has only a mouth, and Trendy usually wears glasses."

"Thanks, what time is it?"

"Ummm, it's six in the evening." I heard, Trendy? Yeah, Trendy said.

"It's time for dinner!!" I heard Slenderman yell from the kitchen. I grabbed BEN's hand and he carefully guided me to where I usually sit, on the right side of Slenderman where he could make sure that none of the boys could hurt me or take my food. As always, I have a salad with small cubes of chicken in it with raspberry-almond vinaigrette, sliced carrots, and snap-peas. You would think that I would get tired of eating the same thing for dinner every night, but I don't for some reason.

I finish eating and am led back to my room. Dinner usually takes about two hours to finish because everybody is asking me questions about my life. It might be only eight, but I can't stand being up past nine at night.

"Here you go Kristina, see you in the morning." I heard BEN say as he was walking out of my room.

"WAIT!!" I heard him run back to me as if I were some baby crying for its mother. I felt out for him and found his shirt. I pulled on it harshly until he was right next to me. I slowly lifted my hand from his chest and looked for his head. I found it and stood on my tip-toes, hoping that I was kissing his lips. I got my answer when he started kissing back.

"Goodnight, BEN. Hear you in the morning."

"Night Kristina. Don't let The Rake in." And with that, I stumbled over to my bed, and fell into a deep sleep.

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