4 : I Wish I could forget it ....

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Laksh's Pov :

I chugged in a whole bottle of alcohol , wiping my mouth with the back of my hand , and slamming the bottle on the counter top .

I was restless and the only thing that could calm me down right now was alcohol .

I was picking up another bottle when a hand grasped mine .

"Enough,man ! It's your second bottle already !" Said, my friend Karan .

"Just let me..Drink !" I yelled at him , because of the loud disco music being played by the dj .

"Dude, it's fine !... Maybe it wasn't her . It was just an illusion ." He said .

Giving him an are-you-seriously-kidding-me !? Look , I took the bottle and chugged in more than half of it at one go .

How can I imagine !?

How can I forget those eyes !? The eyes that were once tired , broken , and filled with rage .

A burning fury..that was towards me .

Those eyes that were wet , red and puffy due to the tears caused by me .

That was the only thing that I last saw 8 years ago , before I had to move to another city .

That was the time I realised that whatever I did was a mistake .

A sin, for which I still am suffering .I cannot believe that I let her go this easily . I saw her ..I saw her after these many years .

8 years.....shit !

Why me !? Why me god ? Of all the guys in the world why did I have to be the biggest jerk !?

I feel dizzy right now .

"Let's drop you home ." Karan huffed and pulled me up .

Home..its more like cage .

I stumbled and fell back on the red leather seats .

My eyes were blur and it stinged .

" Look at you ! You can't even walk ! Atleast be a bit careful about yourself ! " He said .

more like scolded me.

He pulled me and I tried balancing myself , he dragged me with him . He took me towards my car and unlocked it pushing me in the backseat and shutting the door .

"What the..." He got into the car and the engine roared to life .

"Karan..." . He didn't answer .

He is exaggerating .

I am not that drunk as it look's like I am .

I closed my eyes and the first thing that came into my mind was her .

I still can't believe that I saw her. She is changed .

A lot .

Damn! She looks totally different .

Cuter , her french brown hair were longer , cascading past her shoulders . her brown orbs still had the warmth in it but something was missing in them but of all she had reduced , her chubby self was gone , replaced by a fit and curvy figure .

Her eyes were wide filled with shock , terror , sadness and a rage . Ofcourse she was shocked even I was and she definitely was still angry with me .

Well it's her right to be . Who wouldn't after whatever I have done to her anyone would be angry .

That's the reason I lost so many people in my life .

Everything Has A Reason Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt