1. The Wild Ocean

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The Wild Ocean

Helen walked down the dock, the cool sea breeze battered about her face and started messing up her long white hair. She stopped at the end of the wooded dock and gazed out over the wild and untameable sea, but you never know, she thought that dragons were wild and untameable like the ocean, but it turns out she was wrong, so maybe the sea is just waiting for the right person to step up to the plate and whip it into shape.

Helen watched a few dragons leap from the deep and into the air and then dive back in again, some others chased fish around and into the fishermen's nets. She sighed loudly, all the other teens had dragons that they rode around the island and out over the ocean to explore new places everyday. She began to drift off in her own train of thought when she heard a loud, but unmistakable roar, it was Hiccup and Toothless, she turned and watched them land nearby.

Most people in the village would have rushed over and asked of his latest tales from around the world, but not Helen, none of the other teens every seemed to notice her, she was abandoned by her mother at birth and she never met my father. She was raised by one of the village elders, but he died recently and left her his home in the woods, so she had lived her whole life isolated from all the other kids, so they never really talked to her at all, they all knew about her, but they were all busy training to kill dragons, and now they focus on riding them, so she never had any time to talk to them.

Since She didn't have a dragon, she need to travel by boat, the only problem is the ocean, She had a massive fear of it, sure it is amazing and beautiful, but it to her was  really scary, just look at how bit it is, and how wild it is. Helen longed that she could just fly over it like the others, but, Helen knew that one day she would concur this fear, and she knew just how to do it.

She walked back down the dock, she was headed home. As she walked she noticed Hiccup and provided a warm greeting, "Evening Hiccup," offering a small smile to the teenager.

"oh, yes, Helen" he relied only just noticing the other standing

'yeah?' she asked wondering why he was talking to her,

'Me and the other riders are organising a little get together...'

'But you fly together everyday' she interrupted,

'yes, well, moving on, I, we, were wondering if you wanted to join us' he finally stated,

'sure, when is it?' she asked,

'Tomorrow, in the late afternoon'

'Alright, see you then' she said and continued walking down the dock.

'See you' he replied

Helen was excited, it was the first time they had actually included her in something, you never know, she might even get a dragon of her own soon. She laughed, the thought of her riding a dragon was rather amusing, how her thoughts went from never having a dragon to wanting one like nothing else she ever had before  was rather annoying at times and could get her into trouble.

She soon reached the top of the dock and strolled into town, she looked at all the food and supplies for sale, but didn't need any, so she continued on her way toward my house.

She was half way home when a stay sheep trotted over to her, 'hello' Helen said with a smile, she reached down and pet the soft flease of the young lamb, it baaed happily then began grazing quietly. There was a sudden screech, then out of the sky dropped a Deadly Nadder, she instantly recognised it, it was Stormfly, and perched on her back was her rider, Astrid.

"Hey, leave that sheep alone" Astrid hissed

She stepped back and away from the sheep, "I wasn't doing anything to it"

"yeah, well it was my job to get him back to his paddock, I was almost there when he ran off and stopped by you"

"not my problem you are bad at sheep herding" she snapped, annoyed that Astrid was being so mean when she had done nothing wrong.

"whatever, just stay out of my way" she said angrily as her dragon scooped up the sheep. Helen watched silently as they dived into the air with a flap of wings sending a cold chill down her spine.

When she was out of earshot Helen cursed, she had always been mean to her, in Astrid's eyes She was always like Hiccup, weak and nerdy, now she respects Hiccup, yet still treats her like dirt, but she didn't care, much. She continued walking, there was a chill in the air and it was getting late, she picked up the pace and was home in a few minutes. Her home isn't the best place, but to her it was still home, warm, cosy and away from all annoying Astrids.

She opened the large wooden door and it creaked as it was opened and she stepped inside, she looked around then closed the door. She walked over to the fireplace, she filled it with wood then turned to Blueface, the terrible terror that lived in the house, 'Come on, light her up' she said and stepped back as Blueface spewed out a flame making the wood catch on fire and quickly heat up the house.

Helen then walked upstairs, she kicked off her boots and crawled into her warm bed, she wasn't very hungry and she was too tired to be bothered making anything. She yawned and let herself drift off and into a deep sleep.

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