8. An Encounter of the Deranged Kind

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An Encounter of the Deranged Kind

Helen raced around the corner, sending dirt and stones flying in all matters of different directions. She turned and ran into the cave where Strike was sat, his expression was that of fear and worry, he whimpered to his rider and upon seeing the fear in her eyes he ran to her side to defend her from whatever it was scaring his Viking friend.

Not a moment later three large men skidded around the corner, the largest one near enough falling on his side in his rush. They all had long darkly coloured unkempt beards and were all largely built, towering over both Strike and Helen when standing at their full height.

The one in the middle off the group took a step toward the two, but was stopped in his tracks by the deep rumble of a warning growl that came from Strike. He back off the step her had just taken before turning to his two comrades, "Come on, together was can take 'em" he stated.

They began walking toward the girl and dragon when Strike leaped at them, taking out the one on the left which he had identified as being the weakest, knocking him to the floor and snapping at his face before leaping at the one that had been on the right and doing the same.

The leader of the small party attempted to grab Strike, but failed when he whipped around and leaped at him, pinning him to the ground. Helen ran right out of the cave while Strike distracted the attackers before he too joined her outside.

Helen climbed onto Strike's saddle and in a single beat of his wings he was in the air, but instead of retreating of leaving, Strike turned back to the attackers, who were by then standing outside. He roared loudly and began hovering just off the ground. There was a crash and a small bolt of lightning flew down from the sky and right at Strike, which he then directed at the attackers, who leaped to the side and began racing away to find cover.

Surprisingly the electricity from the lightning had only hit Strike's wings before they had been directed at the attackers, and had not even touched Helen, other than it causing her hair to stand up on it's ends.

Strike turned to fly away from the island, but was stopped by Helen with a yank of his horns, "Wait, go follow them," she said, having to give Strike pet of 'persuasion' to get him to do as she had said and follow after the attackers.

Flying down low and landing on the roof of the cave they had been resting in and watching the directions their attackers had fled, making sure to stay out of sight.

Helen wondered if they should follow after them, or leave  because of the possible danger. "What do you think Strike?" she asked the dragon, which seemed to think for a moment before humming softly and gazing off in the direction in which the Vikings had gone. "Guess you want to check it out then." she confirmed, and with that the Skrill leaped into the air and glided off after the attackers.

After several short minutes they had spotted the Vikings, who were still running, but had slowed significantly. Making sure to stay high up in the air and close to the clouds Helen watched them, and then looked out in the direction they were heading.

At first she couldn't see anything that would mean human life was close by, but on a second glance she spotted several trails of smoke streaking the sky, she directed Strike toward it and the dragon sped up, beginning to flap it's wings rather than simply glide.

Since it was dark everything was hard to make out, but when Helen saw light she pulled back Strike to make him slow down, and come back to gliding. Silently they glided down toward the ground, landing just short of what Helen had made out was a village, a large one at that.

The forest surrounding said forest was dense and the pine needles were sharp, making it hard for Strike to move around without making noise. "Stay here Strike, I'll be back in a moment," she assured her dragon before tentatively walking toward the village as stealthily as possible.

She crouched down several metres away from the village, still hidden by the trees. There was a path leading out of the village and toward the ocean, that had not been visible from the air and after a few moments of waiting the three attacking Vikings came jogging along the track and into the village's centre, breathing heavily.

Helen watched as a young Viking walked toward them, because of the distance she could not recognize who it was, but some how felt he was not someone to be trusted. The young Viking began shouting at the Vikings, but Helen still couldn't hear what they were saying.

She began slowly moving around the edge of the village, getting closer to the argument until she could hear it clearly. The obviously superior Viking was still scolding the other three, despite them being older than him.

The three attackers began pleading with him, and began explaining what exactly what had happened at the beach, but were stopped when they had mentioned the part about Helen riding Strike. The young man turned and surprisingly had a smile on his face, though it was not one of happiness, it was too sinister for that.

"The dragon had a rider you say? Well that is great news, only someone from Berk would be able to ride a dragon," He concluded, "Tomorrow we sail for Berk, I want to see this for myself," he commanded, pivoting on his heels and strolling off. "Yes Dagur," the lead Viking replied, dipping his head in respect.

Helen swallowed audibly, she had heard of this 'Dagur', and she had only heard of his hatred for Berk and his desire to ride dragons, she had also heard that he was the one who had some sort of way to control Skrills, something she disliked knowing even more.

She decided she had to leave, to warn Berk and get Strike as far away form Dagur as humanly possible. 

Sorry this chapter took so long to update, I have been having masses of writer's block for about a month now, so sorry this took so long and is quite a short chapter. Enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2014 ⏰

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