2. The Gathering

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The gathering

Helen woke early the next morning, she stretched out in the bed then threw back the blanket and slowly edged herself out of the bed and onto the floor. she stood up and jogged downstairs, she entered the tiny area she called the kitchen and she poured herself a glass of milk. She drunk the milk quickly, it was cold and refreshing as it raced down her throat and into her stomach. she then grabbed a slice of bread and went outside.

The air was crisp and there was a light fog in the forest, the house was inside the forest, but a minutes walk from the farmlands where Helen kept all her animals that were left to her by the elder Vikan, the one who took her in from a child and raised her, he left her all his belongings when he died, including Blueface. She began walking toward the farm, deep in thought about the afternoon.

When she reached the farm, she gathered eggs and milked the stubborn yaks. By the time I had finished it was midday and time for lunch, she walked back home through the forest and grabbed a chicken leg to satisfy her raging hunger. When finished she walked back to the farm again, the forest had an eyrie feeling about it, but she didn't know what it was.

She spent the rest of the day harvesting crops and feeding and watering animals. When she had finished it was early afternoon and she decided to get to town early. She arrived in the town and wandered about a bit, she traded for a cooked fish and then spent the rest of the early afternoon wandering while eating the fish, until it was time to go to the dragon arena.

When she arrived at the academy, Hiccup was sketching, Ruff and Tuff were fighting , Fishlegs was playing with Meatlug and Snotlout was admiring himself in the reflection of a shield. Luckily there was no Astrid yet, so she walked through the gate and into the arena.

When she entered everyone looked up from what they were doing and right at her, 'What is she doing here?' asked Snotlout.

'I invited her' answered Hiccup. There was a mad chatter between the riders, which she could tell was about her, the continued until Stromfly landed inside of the gate. Instantly everyone stopped, Astrid slipped off the saddle of her dragon and landed softly on the ground, 'What is she doing here' she asked in a calm voice,

'Yeah, that's exactly what I said, Astrid' added Snotlout loudly interrupting. Astrid ignored Snotlout and stared directly at Hiccup, 'I thought Helen might want to hang out with us tonight' Hiccup explained,

'Why her? She hasn't done anything amazing for the village'

'Astrid! Don't be so mean'

'No, why don't we ask Helen, what she will do or can do' said Astrid raising an eyebrow at her.

'Ugh, well…' she started

'See, useless'

'No! I am not useless' she hissed at them, 'I am planning to go on a sailing for a week to get over my fear of the ocean' she continued.  Astrid laughed, 'You? Sailing, in the ocean, you? The one with a fear of it?' she laughed, making all the others laugh. The rage built up inside her until she couldn't contain it any longer and stormed off. As she left they stopped laughing and started chatting between themselves.

Helen ran all the way home, tears streaming all down her face, how could they all laugh at her? She wanted to defeat her fear of the ocean, and all they could do is laugh. she reached her house in a record time, I slammed the door open and raced up the stairs, she leaped into her bed and continued to cry until she was too exhausted to stay awake any longer.


The first three chapters are quite short but the fourth one is REEEEEEEEEally long. Hopw you all still enjoy!

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