4. Friend or Foe

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Friend or Foe

Helen rose to her feet and brushed off the snow, she had fallen hard on her rear and is ached and cried out for rest, but she could not, the roar she had heard was that of a dragon, but one she had never heard before, at least not on Berk, you've done it now, she scolded herself.

She walked a few feet forward before stopping, she looked around the large internal cave system inside of the glacier, it was huge, the small rays of sun from the large hole in the roof were lighting the icy cave and making it sparkle.

Something caused her to shiver, she could tell she was not alone, something or someone was watching her, waiting for the perfect moment to strike her down.

"I guess I should keep going" she told herself and began walking down the cave, further into the icy depths.


Helen had been walking for what felt like hours and had begun to grow hungry, her stomach snarled and gurgled  in protest, alright noisy, she thought sarcastically to herself, she had decided that talking to herself would help her keep sane.

A cool breeze blew down the opening and messed around Helen's hair as she lay down the satchel and dug through it searching for some food. The storm was closing in and it was getting colder by the second.

"Eureka!" she shouted, I got it, she thought happily and pulled out a large lamb sandwich,  she dusted it off and took a large bite of it, the lamb was cold, but better then nothing at all, but then, there was the sound of a claw scrapping on ice, it sent a shiver down her body as she could hear it coming closer, and closer.

She turned, but there was no-where to run, the entrance of to the cave was far too high for her to climb and there was no other exits she had seen while walking, but it was too late to work now, a dark purple creature crawled around the bend, it had two legs and two wings, it’s back was layered with spines and it's head was at well, except with a large horn on the end of it's snout.

Helen was mesmerized, it was utterly terror inducing, yet magnificent, it's muscled body holding it up, standing tall and proud, but there was something wrong, in parts of it's body it had such a lack of meat on it's bone, that it literally looked as though it had nothing between it's bones and scales, it must have been starved, and for good reason, there was no exit, the poor thing had barely eaten in what must have been ages, and was probably why it was eyeing Helen hungrily.

She glanced down at her hand and spotted the sandwich, she held it up and threw it nearby to the dragon, it eyes her and then the sandwich, but then grabbed it in it's mouth and swallowed it whole, licking it's lips in pleasure.

Helen reached into the satchel and pulled out another lamb sandwich and threw it in the dragon's direction, it again scooped it up and ate it whole, but this time slowly and cautiously moved closer, and then closer again, watching her every move, listening to her every breath.

The dragon eventually walked right over to Helen and the satchel, it sniffed the satchel the watched her, as if waiting for more.

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