7. Excelling Tests

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Excelling Tests

"Well, next is the accuracy test," Fishlegs announced once they had all reached the dragon arena. Meatlug walked over and stood in front of a sea-saw with a small sack of what appeared to be grass.  "Alright, this is how it works," he began. A terrible terror flew over to the saw and hovered over the raised end, "When that terrible terror lands on that sea-saw over there, the sack will be flung into the air, your dragon's job is to hit it," he explained before giving an example.

He lifted his arm and then pointed a single finger down causing the terrible terror to drop from the air and land of the raised end of the saw, sending the sack flying into the air, "Meatlug, now!" shouted Fishlegs and as instructed Meatlug let out a large lava-blast hitting the sack and lighting it on fire.

Helen grasped the concept of it and took Strike over to the saw, and waited until another sack was placed on the now lowered end. She moved back away from Strike and moved to the side with both Hiccup and Fishlegs. After a moment Fishlegs copied his previous action and again the sack was sent sailing through the air, Strike flapped his wings causing him to hover above the ground before letting loose a large white flame, hitting the sack directly.

Fishlegs pulled out his notebook and scribbled down some information, "Okay, try three," he said walking over and resetting the mechanism. They repeated the process again, and again Strike hit all three before they hit the ground, sending them flying backwards.

Again Fishlegs scribbled some information down in his notebook, "Right, now for a challenge, five," he said running back over and adding five fresh sacks.  And again making the terrible terror drop, sending the sacks flying again, but this time was different, the sound of thunder crashing around them before suddenly a large bolt of lightning shot from the sky and hit Strike before shooting forward and at the sacks, hitting and frying all five at once.

Proud of his efforts Strike landed and glanced at Toothless snorting at him, showing off.

"Wow," said all three at once, Helen turned to the two boys and knew how excited they were, looking as though they were going to explode, but before they could say anything Gobber appeared from the gate, "Helen, I need Strike to measure him for your saddle," he said before quickly hurrying off.

"Come on Strike, let's get a saddle," she said softly with a smile to her dragon who trotted over happily. Helen jumped onto Strike , "I'll be back once I get a saddle," she promised before Strike trotted off toward the gate and then out.


When they reached Gobber's workshop Helen jumped off Strike's back and led him inside.  He was mesured quickly, every detail noted to help make the saddle perfect.

By the time he was finished Strike was beginning to loose his temper and was relieved when he could leave. He quickly trotted out and lay down on the ground in front of the forge while he waited.

Helen however stayed inside and watched Gobber create the saddle, she had never seen anyone make one before and wanted to learn.


After a short time the saddle was done and strapped to Strike's back. At first Strike became very irritated by it, but after a while he became used to it.

"Come on Strike, let's test it out," Helen said softly and gave Strike a soft pet on his snout. They strolled out of the forge and out into the open village square. Helen led Strike over and climbed up onto his saddle, she slid her feet into the strips and gripped onto her dragon's horns.

Strike un folded his wings and lifted them up to the sky before beating them down again, once, twice and a third time before he was well clear of the ground.

Helen gave a soft tug on Strike's horns, making him turn to the left before giving him a tap with her foot. With that they were gliding, floating over the village slowly, taking in the view and making sure the saddle would hold.

Once they were sure the saddle would hold Helen gave Strike another tap, making his pick up the pace, throwing in several twists and turns every few moments.

Suddenly Strike took off, shooting through the air, and out over the water, heading toward the sea stacks.  He roared and dived toward the raging waters.

Helen held on for dear life and leaned into each turn and dive. They turned and flew into the sea stacks, twisting up, down, left and right. Once they even  flipped upside down, but before she could let go Strike levelled out again.

And in an instant they were out, gliding over the ocean peacefully.  After that they simply flew around for hours, looking around at their surroundings and even catching some fish.

When they finally did land it was on a beach of stone, the sun had sunk behind several distant islands and the night was on it's way. Helen glanced a cave far on the edge of the island and decided it would be the best place to stay the night.

Several fish and a fire later they were settled in, ready to sleep, when Strike heard something, he rose to his feet and let out a deep growl, he took several steps toward the entrance but was stopped by Helen.

"Stay Strike, I will have a look," Helen assured him before climbing to her feet and strolling outside. At first she heard nothing, but when she was about to return to the cave heard a voice, "I could have sworn it landed here," it said, "It does not matter, we should head back, other wise we will be skinned by…" the second voice was silenced by a hush.

Helen crept closer to where the voices were, the forest and night provided good cover, but she was less then stealthy. Then she could hear the voices more clearly, "But if it is a Skrill and we let it go, I dare not think what would happed," the first voice continued.

The adrenaline was surging through Helen's veins, why did they want Strike? What would they do to him? She had to find out more, taking another step she heard the sound she had been dreading, the sound of a snapped twig.

"What was that?!?" called one of the strange men in alarm, Helen could now see they were each covered in thick armoured plated with weapons of all kinds, "I think it came from over here," said the one closest to her.

The group turned and began stalking toward her, she glanced around, but saw no where suitable to hide, and if she ran it would make too much noise and she would surely be caught.

She took another step back, right into some dry leaves, causing more sound to be made, there was no chance of hiding now and within an instant she turned and bolted toward the cave.

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