3. A Voyage Begins and Ends

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A Voyage Begins and Ends

Helen's eyes cracked open, it was difficult to open them since they had tears dried on them that acted like glue and held them together until broken open. she rubbed her eyes and sat up, she sighed then flopped back down again, what was the point? She would just be laughed at again, but, then she thought about it, the only way that she could stop them from laughing was to actually do what she said she would do, go sailing, a long one, just to be sure it catches their attention. A week, she decided, she would go out and sail for a full week, then they will be sure to accept her, she thought. Her legs slid out the side of the bed and she pushed the blanket back then sat up, tomorrow, that is when she would leave.

She worked quickly, racing down to the farm, not stopping to fill her stomach with anything other then water. She reached the farm and quickly ran around, looking after the animals, she was eager to have plenty of time to pack for the trip. When she finally finished it was late morning, the fastest she had even worked, and not to mention how hard she had worked, her legs and arms ached and protested when she got up from her spot under a shady tree and began walking toward the village again.

When she reached the village she quickly look around, searching for various things she thought she needed, bottles for water, meat, fruit, vegetables, medical supplies, rope, a pickaxe and some spare blankets. She paid for everything then made her way home, it was midday, but the sun was not bright, it was covered by clouds and a northerly breeze swept in, there was a storm coming and it was going to be a big one. When she reached home it had just started to rain, the small pelts of ice water stabbing at her face and body. She quickly got inside and began packing things into a large cloth basket while making her lunch. When she had finished packing and began eating the rain had become much harder, it crashed onto the roof and there was masses of thunder and lightning. She loved storms, so dangerous, so fearless, so loud and bright, always scaring other people and animals, burning down trees and houses.

The sun had disappeared, so she decided to go to bed, she knew it was very early, but she needed an early start, and needed extra rest since her whole body ached. She flopped down into the bed and the darkness soon made her sleep.

Helen dived out of bed as soon as she woke, she raced down the stairs and into the kitchen, it was early in the morning and the storm had only recently passed, it was cold and damp outside from the rain, a chill running down her spine when she looked out of the window. She grabbed the basket and swung it over her shoulder, it was heavy, and for good reason. She pushed open the door and stepped outside into the mud and scrunched up her face when it squelched under her boot. She closed and locked the door behind her then quickly mad her was toward the dock.

When she arrived the sun had risen up and into the sky, but no-one was out of their bed yet as the grey clouds hid most of the sun's light. She walked down the smallest dock and stopped in front of a tiny sail boat, it was big enough to carry about five adult Vikings. The boat was owned by Vikan's friend, but the other old man had no strength left to use it and had given it to her to use whenever she wanted. She climbed up the gang plank and onto the rickety deck. She turned and pulled up the plank then flicked the rope attached to the dock free. The boat began to rock and float away out to sea at a slow pace. Helen pulled on a rope and it released the sails, the wind hit them and the small boat began to pick up speed. She threw down the basket and sat down on the deck, the fresh air was nice and felt good, but the constant rocking mad her feel quite faint and ill.

Helen lay back and yawned, stretching out in the warm sun. She closed her eyes and decided to simply let the boat drift.

It was several hours before Helen woke, she sat bolt up-right and glanced around, she cursed herself for falling asleep, even though she had been utterly exhausted. She stood up and took a better look around, she was in the middle of the sea, away from all land. She couldn't see anything at all in any direction, and knew that she didn't know the way back to Berk. "If only I had a dragon" she sighed, "Then I wouldn't be in this situation". 

After an hour of nothing, Helen finally spotted it, a large mountain of ice, she shivered, something about it felt wrong, but she couldn't tell what it was. She decided that the glacier was of no use. She sat down again, but then suddenly there was a freezing cold wind that battered her already shivering body, it made her whole body shiver even more and was so strong it almost swept the boat over and onto it's side. She screamed and grabbed onto the mast and it swung back over to a normal position, she looked up and spotted a huge storm cloud, it was massive, about the size of Berk at least. Helen quickly turned the boat and headed for the glacier.

Within half an hour she had reached the island and quickly tied up the boat to a large spike of ice, she grabbed out her bag of food and supplies and began to walk. Within  a few minutes she reached the top and sat down, resting her weary legs, but that was when she heard it, a loud roar that caused the ground to shake beneath her, that was when she realised, but it was too late and the ground beneath her gave way.

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