6. New Theories

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New Theories

The two finally reached Gobber's forge, during the time it had taken them to reach it the sky had cleared up and the sun shone onto the soaked world beneath it, warming and drying the frigid land.

Helen glanced up the hill and spotted both Hiccup and Stoick, both talking, serious expressions on their faces, they threw occasional glances at both her and her dragon studying them closely.

She tried her best to ignore them, though it was hard knowing their eyes were bearing into her soul. The sound of metal being hammered broke her from thought, she looked up and spotted Gobber crafting a new sword on his anvil.

"Excuse me, Gobber," she began

"Yes?" he responded his eyes not wavering from the anvil

"If you aren't busy I was wondering if you could make me a saddle,"

"Do I look like I have spare time?" he grumbled looking up and raising a furry eyebrow at Helen in question.

"No, but…" she began, trying to answer his question

"Nah, don't worry, I'll find time for ya' we lass" he quickly added and returned to his work without another word.

Helen nodded in return, but knew he had not seen it, she turned back to Strike and cracked a smile, he was led stretched out on the ground soaking up the sunshine happily on his reptilian scales.

They gave her an idea, she knew that the scales were both heat and lightning proof, if she could gather enough scales then she could easily fashion something to shield her body from the lightning and heat. She continued throwing the through around her mind and came up with another theory.

She gathered the idea from Hiccup's fire sword he had recently made, it was a light sword coated in the spit of a monstrous nightmare that he lit with a small lighting mechanism. He had also gathered the gasses of a hideous zippleback and added it to the sword, making it to also cause explosions.

Her idea was creating a sword lined with the scales of her dragon, then the lightning would be drawn to it and she would be able to wield the lightning as Hiccup did fire. The though made her smile and unconsciously walk over to the dragon and crouch down before him.

Strike glanced up, raising one of his scaly eyebrows, he snorted softly and then hummed at his rider asking what she wanted.

Helen reached down toward the dragon and ran her hands over the rough scales, some came loose in the palm of her hand, but the majority of them stayed put. She looked over the scales she had collected, definitely not enough for a sword, but a start, she thought t herself standing back up again leaving her dragon to his lazy sun baking.

She retrieved a small pot and dropped the scales into it, a total of six in all, which she placed on one of the work benches and pulled out a strip of paper along with something to use to illustrate her design.

The design was simple, a one handed sword, small compared to a regular one, but since it would be covered in scales it would weigh too much to be any larger. What it lost in size it made up in ferocity, the design being simple enough to follow.

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