Fix Me {5}

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Gabriel's POV

I hurt him. I let my dad lash out at him like that.. He's probably really mad at me. I watched him as he stormed off back down the street and disappear around the corner. I went inside and was called over by my dad.

"Gabe, my boy. I don't want you talking to that Jace character anymore. Not a very good influence." He said, rustling his newspaper.

"Dad, he's not that ba--"

"Now that's all I'm going to say on it. This isn't up for discussion."He cut me off, still looking at his stupid paper.

I opened my mouth to say something else, but shut it quickly. I retreated to my room, grabbed my phone and texted Jace. Saying:

Jace, I'm really sorry, please forgive me ;-; I just didnt know wat 2 say.. I hope we can work this out..

I pressed send and waited impatiently for his reply. I waited and waited. A reply never came. I hung my head in defeat as my phone made the 'ding ding' noise. It was Jace. It read:

I guess it's fine. I mean, just whatever Gabe.

Very short and curt. Straight to the point. He didn't even call me church boy, I'm guessing his parents are an extremely sensitive topic. I wish I could've said something, I thought of myself before I thought of him.


I sat on my bed, pulling my knees to my chest and resting my chin on them. I looked at my phone, faintly glowing as it was about to turn off its screen. I didn't know if I should pry further or leave him be. I would hate to make him more upset, but I don't want him to think I didn't care either. I reached for the device and replied with:

I'm really sorry, honest. My dad is a blunt man and he just says things. I didn't think he would say that, especially not that. I don't want you mad..

And sent. My phone didn't recieve any notifications after that. I placed it on my nightstand and curled up in my blankets.



Jace wasn't in class today, but I saw him in the halls. He was trying really hard to ignore me. Kim appeared at my side, but much calmer and cooler this time.

"You want to go out to grab a bite after school?" She asked giddily, but with a hint of nervousness.

I shrugged and apparently she took it as a yes. Not like I had anything better to do today.

"See ya after school! Meet me out front." She said scurrying off in the opposite direction.

I waved and walked to my locker, catching a glimpse of Jace's flaming mane. He ignored me completely, stopping at his locker which was not far from mine.

This is my chance!

I went to his side and held onto his arm, pouting. He looked at me with blank, empty eyes, then turned away. I huffed and pulled him into the boiler room and locked the door.

"Gabe, let me out." He asked dryly.

"You have to forgive me first." I said firmly, blocking the door.


"I'm sorry I didn't protect you Jace. It was selfish of me and I'm sorry." I pleaded, still blocking his part.

He combed through his hair with his slender fingers and grunted angrily.

Please forgive me..

Still blocking the door, I hung my head and tears stung my eyes. I held my ground as his steps approached me, he placed his hand on my shoulder and gripped it hard. I bit my lip and sucked in air sharply.

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