Fix Me {7}

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Jace's POV

Carter looked down messing with his shirt tail. I pinched the bridge of my nose and exhaled sharply.

"Does Gabriel not like me..?" Carter said timidly, still quiet, but more volume than usual.

I shrugged. He whimpered.

"I can't help liking Jace.. I've liked him for a long time and now Carter has him and I don't want him to go away.." He confessed, hugging me from behind.

I furrowed my eyes and peeled his hands from my torso.

"You like me?" I asked.

"Mhm.. Ever since freshman year.." Carter blushed and squeezed his eyes shut in embarassment.

I smiled and pecked his lips. When we pulled away I lifted his chin, forcing him to look up at me.

"I'll give you a shot Carter. You're pretty cute too." I admitted, rubbing my nose against his.

"But.. I thought you were straight?" He questioned.

"Keyword: were." I kissed him again and this time he participated in it.

He was quite the agressive little bugger when he wanted to be. I guess surprises do come in small packages. Damn that cliché though. Carter gently caressed my cheek and I laced my arms around his slim waist. His kisses weren't as good as Gabe's, but this is Carter. Not Gabe. As we pulled away I licked his lips and began walking; he struggled to catch up. When he did, we casually talked like normal. It feels the same as always, like talking to any other guy. Just this guy, we kiss and hug, but you don't really take that into account when you're just hanging out.

Being gay isn't anything special.. But my next question is: How does sex work?

That.. That can wait. I'm not ready for that. I shook that thought off and we reached his house. Carter then turned to me and blushed, pointing at his driveway. No cars occupied the space.

"Carter is all by himself.. Do you wanna come keep him company?" He stuttered.

I nodded and I followed him in. He had a nice, quaint little house. It was lodgey and spacious, I quite liked it.

Guess this is a chance to get to know my new boyfriend, huh?

Carter took me up to his room and put his things down. Then timidly asked me to turn around while he changed into his house clothes. When I was given the signal to turn around, he lead me back down the stairs and poured us some juice. We awkwardly stood in the kitchen sipping out of the glasses, not really making contact with one another. I suppose he's as clueless as I am, not sure what to do with me as I think the same of him. I sighed, breaking our tense silence which startled him a bit.

"How about we get to know each other?" I offered.

He nodded and the ramblings between us began.

Gabriel's POV

I can't handle. Jace abandoned me, my lord has abandoned me, and all I have left is family. But my parents won't listen so all I have is Adina. To only have one person to count on is a bit lonely. Normal people have a whole network of support, but for me it's just my precious sister. It crushed me to come to this realization, it hurt so much my chest ached everytime I breathed. My emotions were overwhelming and I feel like I'm going to implode. I went into my house and my parents were waiting for me in the doorway. Like legit in front of door when I opened it.

"What is going on with you boy? You've been acting strangely lately. Missing church, throwing fits, being distant. Dont tell me your becoming in if those rebellious children," My dad states, staring me down waiting for my comeback.

Fix MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora