Night and Day

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I'm going to tell you a little story.

About Elaine and Nyx.

Two Queens, who despite all of the marriage proposals from men and all the people telling them they had to marry within their own courts, they fell in love with each other.

First I think you deserve to know how they started off.

Nyx was the Princess of the Stars, she controlled weather patterns as well, her favorite weather power was Lightning. She had silky black hair that in the moonlight looked blue, her eyes were as bright and shining as the stars.

Despite all the lovers she's taken (all of them being female) and the marriage proposals she's received (mostly female) she wasn't married. Which is something her family was royally pissed off about.

"Nyx, darling just accept a proposal for the love of all things!" Her mother once screamed at her.

"I want to marry someone I love, not someone that's just looking to marry a princess." She said back and walked off to her quarters.

The rumors quickly spread that she was refusing to marry because she was selfish and unworthy of love. Rumors also spread that she had hooked up with past servants and that she was a whore. For the record, she has slept with others, but never the staff (because they are all her friends). Her signature saying is "if you're going to insult me, do it correctly."

To be truthful she found the whore comment completely unnecessary and sent a little....zap towards those who started and spread that rumor.

Eventually her parents died, and left her the entire fortune and she was to take on the role of a Queen.

Many of her people were angry at the idea of her marrying out of the Kingdom of Night, her bloodline needed to be continued and she was the only child. There was only one person that had caught Nyx's eye.

The Protected Virgin Princess of Day, Elaine.

What a pair they'd be, all Nyx knew about her was that she had a fire brewing inside of her, and she was beautifully innocent.

So she made it her duty to meet her thoroughly at the next high council meeting, which consisted of Nyx and the entire Day Kingdom family.

Elaine was just as attracted to Nyx, she'd heard stories of the nighttime vixen and her life of freedom. Things weren't nearly as tight in the Night Kingdom as they were in the Day Kingdom. According to rumors, Nyx had been eyeing Elaine for years.

Elaine wasn't going to lie, Nyx intrigued her in ways that she shouldn't of, nothing was wrong with her loving a woman, her brother had feelings for Nyx and Elaine felt like she was betraying her brother.

Which was why when she saw Nyx at the high council meeting ball, she nearly dropped the glass of champagne.

Nyx was wearing a black skin tight dress that hugged her curves, it had a plunging neckline and a strand of gold hung in between the swells of her breasts. She wore gold heels that were strung up to her knees, wrapping around her leg like a vine does to a tree. Her makeup was natural but it out stood every woman in the room, she had gold eyeliner, dark, full lashes and red naturally pouting lips. Her hair was down in it's natural waves but was sparkling like a dozen constellations in a night sky. Her skin glowed warmly as she strolled into the grand room.

Her goddess aura made Elaine feel childish with her daisy flower crown and lace white dress.

But she seemed to be looking at Elaine with a brighter smile than she'd ever seen on Nyx's face before. Elaine had only seen Nyx smile when she was flirting with ladies at these meetings or laughing with her guards.

She whispered something to the dark haired guard at her side. He moved his eyes to Elaine and nudged her Nyx with a smile and said something. Nyx blushed but rolled her eyes and slapped the guard gently on the chest in a "stop being so embarrassing." The guard walked away, and Nyx strolled up to Elaine.

"Hello Elaine." She greeted her with a warm smile, "how are you?"

"I'm good how are you?" Elaine smiled sipping the sweet champagne.

"Very well, how's everything with your mother?" She asked, it took Elaine by surprise, no one ever asked about her mother.

Her mother had fallen ill a few months ago, recovery was looking promising it was just scary to see your mother in that position.

"She's getting better, thank you for asking." Elaine said, then she realized why the meeting was so silent.

Everybody was looking at them.

Nyx seemed to notice as well, she also noticed Elaine's discomfort. "Hey, why don't we go for a walk around the gardens?" She asked offering her hand.

Elaine wasn't going to lie, she wanted to melt into a puddle of goo right there because the woman who has caught the most eyes that night was asking Elaine if she wanted to talk more.

Elaine nodded and took Nyx's hand, and let her lead the way.


"Sorry to put you on the spot like that," Nyx murmured, running her hand through her hair. It didn't even make her hair messy, it still looked beautiful.

"It's alright, they're just a bunch of tight asses." Elaine said laughing.

Nyx laughed, "I don't think I've ever heard you swear."

Elaine smiled again, "I swear when others aren't around, so they don't think their religious symbol is a sham." She said as if she was telling Nyx a secret in school.

"Do you like having that weight on your shoulders?" Nyx said curiously, picking a rose from a rose bush. The red rose was bright under the moonlight.

Elaine tapped her white fingernails against her glass, "honestly no."

"So don't be that symbol." Nyx gave the rose to Elaine.

"What do you mean?" Elaine said, sniffing the rose.

"When I was a kid, I was seen as the protected, not the protector like I wanted. I hated having everyone wait on me, like I was some helpless little girl who didn't want to chip her nails by doing work. So I broke free, I started helping maids clean, the cooks enjoyed my honest opinions about their food and I helped them make it better. I worked because I hated being seen as helpless. I hated being seen as a pure symbol." She said viewing the flowers.

"How do I do that?" Elaine asked. Curiosity bloomed in her stomach, she wanted to be free.

"Join me." She said setting her glass down, "join me in my Kingdom." Nyx turned fully towards Elaine who stared at Nyx in shock.

Elaine looked at Nyx in shock, "what good would I do there?"

"You'd be able to have control in your own life for one," she looked at Elaine, sparks igniting in those blue eyes, "two, you'll be free of those forced marriages that your parents are going to force on you."

Elaine considered the option, somehow Nyx knew exactly what her parents were up to, Elaine knew Nyx wasn't lying. Also accepting this would mean she'd be freed from forced marriages and alliances.

Elaine turned to Nyx with a smug smile, "where do I sign?"

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