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Okay listen,

I'm a useless lesbian and I jump at the opportunity to kiss girls.

But this time, I actually had a reason.

So my friends and I were in vegas ya know, doing what girls did in vegas when we stumbled upon this homophobic asshole preaching about the word of god.

"I dare you to say something," my best friend Kelly told me. Our other friend, Monica was laughing and nodding her head agreeing.

I shrugged, "you really want me to?"

They nodded, "not like you'll actually do it. You hate confrontation."

"I hate it when it's someone I know, this motherfucker? A whole other story." I said as I was walking away.

"Meg!" Monica shouted quickly having the others follow me and rushing to me.

"Get your phones ready!" I winked and walked up to him.

"Excuse me sir?" He turned, "listen buddy Im pretty sure i'm speaking for everyone when I say that you cannot use god to hate somebody."

"Why not?"

"Because you're dragging her name through the mud, and she'll rain a whole new version of hell down upon you for that sin." I giggled.

"God is not a woman,"

"God is a woman baby, and she loves women too. She loves us homosexuals." I looked over at Monica and gave her a wink.

"Is this your girlfriend?" He turned to Monica and Monica glanced at me to see me nod.

She nodded her head and he continued. "You guys are going to hell."

"And we'll see you there sugar," I said walking over to Monica, I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her close.

Monica and I weren't dating, we've had one hook up night but that was it. That's actually how we became friends.

"This is revolting." He said gagging.

"Well, then you'll find this revolting so avert your eyes." Then Monica kissed me.

I've always had feelings for Monica, I'm not blind. The woman was a goddess, even if she didn't believe it herself.

When we pulled away I saw Kelly with her mouth wide open and the preacher pale as a ghost.

"There's nothing wrong with it boo." Monica said dragging us away from him and the crowd.

"I can't take you two in public anywhere." Kelly said placing her hand against her head in a face palm motion.

we laughed but I couldn't help the thought of the kiss occupying every thought I had for the rest of the night.


I sighed and turned over for the fifth time that evening in bed, I heard Kelly snoring in her bed next to Monica and I's.

Monica wasn't next to me though, she was out on our balcony. This hotel had the best view of the city.

She looked to be deep in thought, and since I'm nosey and wide awake, might as well start our therapy sessions.

I'm currently studying to be a psychologist and because of that my friends come to me for advice. They always have even before the psych stuff.

"Hey." I whispered sliding onto the balcony.

"Hey," she whispered, watching the cars down below.

"You okay?" I asked gently.

"What are we?" She asked.

My eyes widened in surprise, "friends?"

"No, you dumbass," she rolled her eyes. "I mean, are we more than that?"

I could hardly breathe, "do you want to be?"

"Yes Meg, I've wanted you since we first hooked up."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you knew." She looked at me as if I was stupid.

"How could I possibly know? You had boyfriends, girlfriends and partners since we hooked dup two years ago!" I whisper shouted.

She rubbed her forehead, "they were all to get over you."

"Damn," I sighed.

"Yeah. So what do you say?" She asked looking at me with a smile. 


"Be my girlfriend?"She said hopefully. 

"You actually want me like that? seriously?" I couldn't help it that I was shocked okay? Hello she is a goddess. 

"Fucking hell Meg, I could literally walk up to you and say I wanna shove my hand in you and you'd still be wondering if I wanted you in that way." She huffed a laugh.

"Oh shut up and kiss me you loser." I laughed pulling her to me.

She cupped my face as my hands went around her waist, we smiled into the kiss breaking it quickly, but I didn't care.

She was mine. 

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