God Is A Woman

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When people ask me why I'm into women, I'm just like, "how are you not?"  

Like, when drunk girls see you their first instinct is to compliment you, or hug you and tell you how much they love you and they wanna be your friend. How do you not love that?

Also, when you compliment a girl, they get this adorable lil blush and tell you whether or not it was on sale, if it has pockets (ex. a dress), tell you where they got it and how much, also they compliment you back. 

And, girls smell nice, this sounds creepy. But I've never smelled vanilla on a guy even though that'd probably be really hot but anyway, they just smell so good and adorable. 

Girls give the best hugs, the best hugs. Females are just comforting.

Girls are just amazing and beautiful and sweet and why shouldn't I love them? 

Girls are just amazing.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. 

Girls Who Like GirlsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin