What A Perfect Life.

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Let me hear a yay if your ready for this book. (YAY!!) Anyway I would like to say thank you for all the support I've gotten on my book, so that has inspired me to make this book. So into the story...

Y/N's POV~

I wake up to hear my phone go off. I check my phone and see a 'Good morning' from Megan. I sit up and text her back 'Good morning <3'. I get up and pull out a F/C skirt, white shirt, and S/F/C (second favorite color) leggings from my closet. I change and look in the mirror. I grab a brush and pull my Hair in a ponytail.  "oops, can't forget the cat ears." I say while sliding the ears on. I lace up my F/C sneakers. I run down stairs and grab my book bag. "Morning, Mom." I say. "Good Morning N/N. I get a text From Megan Saying 'We're outside waiting'. I get up and walk out the door.

I get in Megan's mom's car. I see all my friends Megan, Zach, Ryan, And who could forget Burt. "Hey everyone." I say sitting in between Megan and Ryan. "Hey, Y/N" they say. Now let me tell you a bit more about them.

Megan is my fun, loving, and caring BFF. She's so nice and sweet. Whenever I see her Im tackled into a tight warm hug. She also helps me through my problems and drama. She the Angel of the group.

Zach is funny and can be savage at times but that's why I love him. He helps me with the computer part of YouTube. He's always defending us from bullies. Also he's Megan's boyfriend. You could say he's the jokester of the group. 

Burt is a sweet soul but an odd one out. He's like Megan and Zach combined. He can be funny and goofy. He's like a clown. The only problem with him is he has crush on me but, other than that we're cool. He's the clown of the group.

Now to my favorite, Ryan. Ryan and I go way back. He's been my boyfriend ever since daycare which was 8 years ago. I think he's hilarious, smart, fun, and adorable. He's perfect but, lately we've been in a argument. Ever since Burt has developed a crush on me, he's been over protective. He rarely let's me go anywhere alone with a boy. It upsets me But I still love him.

When we arrive to school Nathan (Unspeakablegaming) comes up to me with George (Moosecraft) and Sabre following. "Hi Princess." Nathan says smiling. "Greetings my knight." I say bowing. Me and Nathan have this roleplay where I'm the princess and he's the knight, But I don't think Ryan gets that. He's the main boy Ryan doesn't like me to be around. "So we were wondering if you would come to the cafè with us after school?" Sabre says. "Of course!" I say. "Great, just come with us at dismissal." Nathan says. "Ok, bye!" I wave to them. I turn around to see a jealous Ryan. "Of course?" he says mocking my response. "What's wrong Cutie?" I tease while squeezing his cheek. 

So that's the first chapter. Sorry it's super late.I'm just gonna go back to my regular schedule so I can focus on school. Anyway tell me if you enjoyed please. (There were so many times when I wanted to put Moose instead of George XD) Until next time...Bye!!!- Princesskitty118

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