We're done?

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*warning* there is a little cursing in this chapter (i dont have a age range for this because i dont care about your age) Into the story...

Ryan's POV~

"You just said yes to them without asking me." I say. "But I don't have to ask you. I'm my own person I do what I want." Y/N says pushing me.  I was really upset. "Y/N I'm just trying to protect you." I say. "From what? Having friends." She says turning away from me. I grab her shoulder and turn her back around. "Look your the most important person in life. I want to make sure your safe." She gives me a weak smile. "Fine. But I'm still going rather you like it or not. OK Boo?" "OK..." I say. "Great! Let's go Megan." Her and Megan walk to class, Burt went with Nathan, and me and Zach go. 

"Dude, I swear I can never win with her." I tell Zach. He chuckles. "Well you kind of are a little over protective." He says "really?" I ask. "Oh boy." He says face palming. 

Y/N's POV~

See, this is what I mean I can't do crap around him. Me and Megan walk to homeroom. As we walk down the hallway, everyone waves and says "Hey Y/N. Hey Megan." We smile and wave back.

After class I meet Nathan at the front of the school. "Ready to go cutie?" He asks "yep" I say. We walk to the cafe two blocks away from the school. While we're there I talk about me and Ryan's fight.

Ryan's POV~

As me and the group walk out, I watch Y/N and the boys leave. "I can't believe she went." "Well Ryan, you can't have her all to yourself." Megan says placing a hand on my shoulder. "Well I'm going to make sure she's OK." I say following them. "Wait, where are you going?" Zach asks. "I'm going to spy on them." I say. "Sounds like fun!" He says. Megan rolls her eyes. "Really Zach?" Zach and I follow them. "Wait! I don't want to be alone." Megan says running behind. We laugh.

Nathan's POV~

"You know it's funny. I always thought F/C and blue looked good together and that's me and Ryan's favorite color." Y/N says sipping on her straw. "It does, doesn't?" Sabre says. "That's how you know it's a perfect match." George says. "Like Megan and Zach, Pink and yellow." Y/N says winking. "True. But I think F/C and green looks good together. I say. Sabre and George look my way angry. Y/N looks up thinking. "I don't know.." She says. "I think those colors are cute." I say putting an arm around her and pulling her close. "OK that's it!" Sabre says standing up. George grabs me and pushes me twords the restrooms. "We'll be right back." Sabre tells Y/N. "OK." Y/N shrugs.

"Dude! What are you doing?!" Sabre yells. "What?" I ask. "Your flirting with Y/N!" George says. "And she's not just any girl, she's Ryan's girl. You know how upset he's been with you lately." Sabre adds. "I know but she's so beautiful." "But that's no reason to take someone's girl." George says.

Ryan's POV~

We all watch from the bushes. Nathan pulls Y/N close, but George and Sabre take care of him. "What the hell is he doing?" I say fired up inside. "I don't know." Megan says. I pull out my phone and text her while they leave.

R: I want u home, NOW!

Y: Ryan I'm fine.

R: Idc

Y: ugh! Ryan can I have fun just once?

R: yeah! But not with him.

Y: y?

R: I don't trust him.

Y: look leave my a** alone or I'm dumping yours.

*end of texting*

I think for a minute. Maybe we're not right for each other.

Y/N's POV~

I get a text from Ryan saying 'We're done' My eyes start burning. Why would he say that. 'I never want to see your sh*tty face again. Your flipping dead to me' I text back.

Hey. Sorry for the language in this chapter. (I stopped myself from putting worse words) there will be no more cursing (maybe no promises) anyway hope you enjoyed. Until next time...Bye!!! -Princesskitty118

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