Such Great Friends

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Hey, my updates might be slow because I broke my glasses and it's harder to type without them. Anyway, into the story...

Ryan's POV~

I read the last text she sent me and a few tears roll down my cheeks. Megan turns to me. "Ryan, what's wrong?" she asks. "I broke up with her." I say. "That explains why she's upset." Zach says still looking the window. "How about this? We go buy a tub of ice cream, take it to my house, watch your favorite movie and have a sleepover." Megan says hugging me. "Sure, but what about Y/N. Your her friend too and I don't think she wants to see me right now." I say. Megan looks back in and see the boys comforting her. "Something tells me she'll be just fine." Megan says helping me up.

Nathan's POV~

We walk back into the room and see Y/N upset. She had tears in her eyes and one of her fist balled up. In her other hand she was clenching on to her phone. I walk over to her and pull her up from her seat. We walk outside and go around to the back of the cafe.

"Y/N what's wrong?" I ask. She leans against the wall and covers her face. "He broke up with me!!" She said opening the floodgates. "But you've been dating for eight years." George says. "Well all great things have to come to a end." Says turning her back to us." "It's ok." I say rubbing her back. Then Sabre pulls be aside. "Um...I don't think three boys can help a girl during a breakup." Sabre chuckles. "Your right. We need a girl." I say think. "What about Megan?" Sabre suggest. "Naw, she's probably helping Ryan." George says. We all think some more. "Oh I know. What about your girlfriend Sabre?"I say pointing to him. "Oh yeah. Her and Tina are pretty good friends. I'll call her." Sabre says dialing her number. "Tell her to come to my house." I say. He nods. I turn around to see Y/N in what I swear is a puddle of tears. "We really need Tina." I mumble to myself. "Hey Y/N, about we take the hang out to my place." I ask her. Sure. Whatever to get my mind off that...JERK!!!" She yells.

Sorry this is short. I had to do homework, take my sister to her dance lessons, ate out, then I came home to watch YouTube (*cough* Ryguyrocky *cough*) and totally forgot. So yeah.... (story of my life) Also sorry if you don't like the Sabre X Tina thing, but guess what? I DON'T GIVE A CRAP!!! *clears throat* Anyway the next two chapters will be there POV on the what to call it) *another cough* Sorry I'm sick. Until next time...Bye!!! -Princesskitty118

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