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A bright light flashed around all of us. It kinda tickled as I felt it surge through me. It spun in a circle continuously. It was like a whirlpool of light. I then saw my hands disassemble into small particles, then my arms, then my legs, and so on. After a few seconds, I could see myself reassemble and soon I could move again. I looked round me and saw that we were in a deep and dark forest. There were various area on the ground lit up in small circles of Light. Somewhere in the back of my head, I could hear an angelic voice saying "Go on...use your renewed powers once more. Strike! Strike through the plague that is the Fallen! Go, my child. Go!!" I looked at Zivaya and Houka. They both looked it me with looks of confusion. I told them what I was told. I apprehensively walked up to a circle of Light. I took one more glance at my sisters before entering the circle. I immediately felt a rush of energy throughout my entire being. I could feel the power of the Traveler's Light once more. I summoned my Arcstrider. I could feel the power of blue electricity zap all around me. The electricity jolted around as I moved. I looked over at Houka. She'd entered a nearby Light circle and she shook in a bright flash of purple flame. The brilliant flame danced around her as she conjured a large purple shield. She was chuckling happily as she tossed it in the air and caught it. We both looked at Zivaya, who looked so excited that I thought she was going to explode. She then went to where Houka was and pushed her out of the Light circle. Houka muttered something angrily. Bright purple Light encircled Zivaya. She giggled as the Light shone all over her. She waved her hands and bright white circles appeared from her hands. Once it was finished, Zivaya looked at me for a moment and sighed.

"Ahhh, much better!" She said with a smile.

"Hope you're ready. Here comes the Fallen." Houka said.

I turned to see a massive horde of Fallen moving towards us. Some Fallen were crawling on all sixes, and others were running towards us in massive strides. I was so ready to attack, that I didn't realize that I yelled a battle cry in Awoken. Zivaya and Houka happily joined me, though. I charged the Fallen. I raised my Arcstrider and sliced the first group of Fallen I reached. A large horizontal bolt of blue lightning struck the whole group of Fallen. They screeched as they exploding in a large burst of blue electricity. One large Fallen on two legs charged at me. I chuckled and pierced it directly in the abdomen. It let out a whispering hiss as I swung the Arcstrider around in a circle, hitting all Fallen within the radius of my spinning Arcstrider. Once I was finished, I took the staff with the dead body of the massive Fallen and launched it in the air. Houka stopped what she was doing and punched the Fallen with her flaming purple shield as it came down. Zivaya launched her white Light disks at the Fallen. It separated into various pieces. More Fallen came charging toward us. I yelled for Houka to hold her shield up. Houka nodded and faced her shield to the sky. More Fallen started to come from every direction. They hissed and screeched in irritation. I told Zivaya to launch two white disk at the top of Houka's shield and she did that.

"Take cover, Ziv!" I yelled. The sound of the disk against the shield produced a horrible and painful screaming noise. Zivaya summoned two more disks and dug a ditch faster than I could fathom. She then summoned a bright Light barrier around her head, which was the only part of her body aboveground. I yelled to Houka to stand ground. The Fallen were growing even closer than before. So much so, that I could smell their putrid stench of spoiled milk and decay. I brought my Arcstrider all the way above my head. I jumped in the air and used my second jumped to get even higher. As soon as I felt myself return to the ground, I slammed my Arcstrider down with all my might as I fell. The impact sent shockwaves of Light and sound throughout the air. Millions of Fallen were either disintegrated, or electrocuted. Steady ringing sounded in my ears as I realized that I was on my rump on the ground. Houka was on her back holding nothing but a titanium shield with a large crack running down its middle. She was laughing so hard that I thought she'd wet herself. Zivaya was looking at me as she climbed out from her little area she dug. When the ringing left, Zivaya ran up to me and squeezed me.

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