A Little Exploration

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We jumped down to the bottom floor and looked around. I could still hear the distant gunshots and screams. Now that I had more time to look at it all, the inside of the church was just as open as it was outside. It shouldn't have even been classified as a building. Houka gave each of us a new headset. I put mine on and then helped Zivaya with hers.

"Okay, honey. We're all set." Houka said into the mic.

"Great. There's a banner on the floor you're on. Give it a look, will you?" Devrim said. His voice was a little tinny over the radio.

"On it." I said. I signaled for Zivaya and Houka to look around. I walked toward what I assumed to be the remains of an entrance. There was algae and moss covering the rocky walls around me. It stunk of rotting plant. I looked in a small crevice to my right and saw a black banner. I remembered seeing it earlier, but I thought nothing of it at that time. There were sharp sticks sticking from the ground. On the top of the sticks seemed to be burnt skulls of the Fallen. Even Fallen skulls reeked.

"Found it." I said. My sisters ran up to where I was. Zivaya waved her hand in front of her nose.

"Alright. Tell Gigani to scan it." Devrim said.

I set my hand out and Gigani shone a blue light on the ripped banner. The light showed a grid pattern when it hit the banner. Gigani was making small mechanic hums and buzzes as she scanned the banner. She then pulled back from the banner and faced my sisters and I.

"This is a House of Judgement sigil. We used to work with a....less feral Fallen who flew this banner." Gigani said.

"Curious....The Fallen seem to have put this up as a bit of a threat. I imagine you'll find lots of objects like that out there with a bit of a story to them." Devrim said through a cough. "We both need some supplies to get going out here. My sniper rifle is a bit low. Look around in the nearby buildings and see if you find a cache."

"A what?" Zivaya asked.

"A cache." I said. "It's kinda like a chest of some sorts."

We stepped out of the church to look in the buildings when we saw a huge floating orb hover over to us. It glowed with purple electric light. It kind of resembled an eye. I recognized what it was.

"Ah! What the hell is that? It's so creepy!" Zivaya said.

"It's a Ransack's Servitor. Put your weapons out of sight. If it doesn't see weapons, it won't attack." I said. Everyone did so, and we carefully made it across what used to be a road to the  building across from the church.

All the other entrances to the building were barricaded, so we had to enter through the side window. Inside the building, the walls were covered with rust. There was a broken holographic computer in the corner that just flashed from blue to red. There was a strange vase-shaped machine with a big red light shining on the front of it. Two antennae stuck from it and small little red shocks could be seen. Planks of moldy wood were leaned against the wall in the corner. There was another doorway, but it was blocked by a desk and a bunch of rocks. To the right was a rusted staircase leading up. There was an old beaten up couch leaning against the wall, its middle cushion missing. Grass was 

Growing from the floor inside the building. Loose wires and pieces of rhubarb were scattered all over the rusted floor. We went up the stairs and almost the entire room was rubble. Sun shone from above, as there was no roof. The broken concrete parts had broken down so much that they were practically turned to dirt. Vegetation grew from the sides of the walls. I looked up on a ledge of rubble and saw an unopened chest. I power jumped to it and opened it up. Small bright blue cubes fell out and I collected it. It was glimmer. It was at least five hundred glimmer. It was likely enough to buy a whole Awenkon feast! I checked inside and found loads of ammo for a huge variety of guns. I collected as much as I could, and so did Zivaya. Houka only grabbed four ammo packs.

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