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As we landed, there was another enormous Shard above the city that I could see. This one strangely didn't have much of an ominous glow as the other one did. It felt less depressing for an odd reason. The city was huge, and still looked relatively useful despite it being rusted and in ruins. There were many uprooted trees scattered across the landscape. The church tower glowed as the sun began to set. The bright light  was a shiny brilliant yellow. Most of the trees were pine and other conifers. The roads were cracked and, in some place, missing entirely. It truly added to the feel of an abandoned city. 

"Where do we need to go?" Zivaya asked.

A voice sounded in the coms. It was deep and masculine. It was soothing and reminded me of those really old movies involving this human spy....uh....Jim Bound...or something. His voice reminded me of that guy.

"Don't get cocky now that you have your powers back. This place is tough! Especially near the older parts." The voice said. 

"Who the hell is that?" I asked. Houka had a look of excitement and embarrassment on her face.

"It's Devrim...Let's go!" She said as she led us into the entrance of the old abandoned church tower. The air was filled with sounds of gunshots and roars.

Inside the tower, the entire floor was nothing but dirt. The concrete walls had clearly seen better days. There metal chests, crates, ladders, boards, pallets, and other junk scattered all over the floor. Long wooden planks provided a way to get up to a room that probably had stairs to get to it at one point. The whole area was dimly lit and spiders crawled on the walls. There were various banners with unknown images on them. Some of the pillars supporting the roof had fallen down. It made me extra nervous. Houka happily climbed the planks up to the room. She used her power jump to get up to the room's entrance. Zivaya and I cautiously followed. We jumped up to the next room. There were many small couches and a few bookshelves all over this area. In the corner was a microwave from the 2050s. Some of the books had titles involving the early and late twenty sixth century. The planks led further up the tower and Houka was already on her way up. There was a woman that noticed us and jumped to the ground below. And sitting at the window, was a barrel-chested man with grey hair and a brown beard peering out the window with a sniper  rifle. Houka carefully walked up.

"Dev...?" She called nervously. The man turned and my glimpse of his serious look quickly turned to a look of happiness and then I saw his eyes fill with tears as he ran up to hug Houka.

"Houka! I...never thought I would see you again! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" The man said worried.

"I...I'm fine, Devy. I had to do what I could to save the people. I was worried sick about you! And yes....I'm fine. We lost our Light, but we were able to regain it." Houka said. Her voice was clearly breaking as she spoke to him.

"What  the fu-" Zivaya began.

"Shh! Let them have this." I said interrupting her.

"Yes, this is emotional. Even if it makes no sense whatsoever..." Gigani said softly.

After a moment of their embrace, they pulled apart and the man looked at me and Zivaya.

"These must be your lovely sisters. The small one with white hair is....Zivoya, right? And the one with the dark blue hair and gorgeous eyes is Kahza, right? And the Ghost is.....Gigani?" He asked. Zivaya had an offended look. 

"Close, dear. The white-haired one is Zivaya and the one with those magnificent eyes is Karza. I know the names are hard, hehe. They are of Northern Awoken heritage after all. And yes. The Ghost's name is Gigani." Houka said.

"Okay....who the hell are you?!" I exclaimed.

"Ah. Right, I forgot Houka had to keep me a secret. But I guess since all....this...happened, I can tell you. The name's Devrim Kay the Eighth. I'm the leader of this district, and Houka's husband." Devrim said. Zivaya, Gigani, and I staggered.

"Her....her.....her...WHAT?!" We stammered.

"My husband. Yes, I know it's shocking. But it's true. We met a couple hundred years ago in battle on the planet Janxtra. We had been stuck there with our team for four months there, which is equivalent to six years here on Earth. We-" Houka was cut off by Zivaya.

"So is that why you were gone? Karza and I just assumed that you were having another life crisis. At the time, you hadn't had one in fifty years." Zivaya said. 

"Very amusing and true, but no. I was called off for a secret mission." Houka said.

" when you went off for 'secret missions' you were-" I was cut off by Houka.

"I was spending time with Devy, yes. Sorry, girls. Our mission forbade me from revealing to anyone. Zavala himself said that I couldn't tell anyone." Houka said.

"Why?" I asked.

"He didn't explain, unfortunately. But as for the mission... Devrim has been working to set up a regional communication network to let the scattered people of the City know they can find safety and community on the Farm. The only problem is that the Fallen aren't making it easy."

"Even though I happen to be a damn good shot, the Fallen have given me a devil of a time." Devrim said. 

"Yes you are, hun. So what we need to do is  drive the Fallen away. Now it's time to let the guns do the talking. Devy will be here walking us through it." Houka said.

"Here. Take this. Your Ghost looks pretty busted up. Is your Ghost a she or a he?" Devrim asked.

"Gigani is a she." I said.

"Ah, well she should be a little tougher now." Devrim said. I took the Ghost armor from Devrim and took Gigani's armor off of her. I placed the armor on Gigani and her orb absorbed it. Her new armor was a sleek black and look tough in texture.

"He was right! I feel amazing!" Gigani said in a twirl. Houka kissed Devrim on the cheek and he kissed her back. We jumped down to do what needed to be done.

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