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We followed a path of dirt and scattered car remains. Ahead, I could see a massive drawbridge stopped a quarter of its way to making a bridge. I was relieved to be back in the daylight. The seemingly morning fog made the image of distant trees just silhouettes. There was the front part of one of those twenty second century cars protruding from the side of a hill.

"Ahem.....thanks, you three. You guys aren't half bad.....for fancy-pants Guardians." Hawthorne said.

"Thank you. If that's all I can get from you, I'll take it." I said as I walked.

"Now that's the nicest thing I've heard her say! We're in happy air now!" Zivaya beamed.

"Happy air.....? You know what? Never mind." I said chuckling. We passed some rotting fallen logs and rusted up old cars. We climbed on them, and I could see Hawthorne working on something in the distance. I couldn't tell what it was from here. We jumped from the rocks and rubble and went down to meet her. 

"You made it! That's great!" She said with an uncharacteristic smile. I smiled and handed her the device I found.

"Looks like Louis owes me money!" Hawthorne said in a chuckle. "Now, let's see if this works." Hawthorne put the device into the machine and typed around.

"I see it! There's an incoming beacon...." Gigani said with a little fret. There was static, and then I heard an awfully familiar voice.

"Guardians....the City is lost...if there is any Light left in the system, we rally on Titan. Be brave..." It was Zavala!

"Zavala's alive?! If we leave now, we can-" Houka was cut off by Hawthorne as she slammed her laptop shut.

"You are not going to Titan!" Hawthorne said in an obviously strict tone. "We've got refugees coming in, the Red Legion on one side, the Fallen on the other...."

"But we have our powers back! And if we're going to take back the City..." Zivaya was interrupted by Hawthorne.

"Your City is GONE!" She slammed her fist on the machine's surface. I looked in her eyes. I tried to find reason with Hawthorne...She shook her head and picked up her gun, slung it over her shoulder, and started walking off.

"Hawthorne..." I began. "We will  be back. And we won't be alone..." 

"You'll know where to find me.." She said as she walked off.

"Ooh, she mad!" Zivaya commented. I watched her walk off until I couldn't see her. 

Suddenly, I passed out and everything went black. When I woke up, everything was blindingly bright. It took me a moment to realize that I was in the main control part of Ghaul's ship! When I looked ahead of me, I could see the Speaker held in restraints. He was hanging from his arms and his head was sagging. He was noticeably shaking. I would've ran to help him, had I not seen Ghaul. He was standing directly in front of the Speaker with his hands behind his back. I tried to run towards him and beat the living shit out of him, but I couldn't move. Both of them apparently didn't notice me. I suddenly realized that this was the doing of the Traveler! She wanted me to see this....I suddenly heard the Speaker.

" would save both of us a lot of time if you would just kill me..." The Speaker said as he slowly looked up at Ghaul. Ghaul got up close to The Speaker's face.

"For one who calls himself  'Speaker', you have remarkably little to say..." Ghaul said in his condescending growling voice. 

"Heh, pity..." The Speaker said in a cough.

"We've learned that three of your Guardians have reconnected to the Light. You say you have no power over the Traveler, yet....this...." Ghaul looked out at the Traveler's shell. The shell? The part that fell on the City....that was the outer shell of the Traveler......

"Help me understand, Speaker.." Ghaul said in a growling tone. It was full of hate.....of power hungry madness...

The Speaker slowly lifted his head. "The Light lives in all all things..." He began. Ghaul started walking closer to him.

"You can block it, even try to trap it....." The Speaker pressed on. "....But the Light? It will find its way....And the Traveler WILL protect itself!!" Ghaul made a half-hearted dismissive gesture and turned to face the window that overlooked the Traveler's core.

"The Traveler...." He began. "For years I have studied it. The worlds it has touched...its power over life and death..."

"The souls who have earned its grace!" The Speaker spat. Ghaul ignored him.

"We are not so different, your Traveler and I..." Ghaul said in a menacing and wistful tone.

"You, are nothing like the Traveler!" The Speaker scoffed "You think you have power, control... I know your kind. You started small, and you will end small..." Ghaul walked up and grabbed The Speaker's neck in his hand and got face to face with him.

"If the Traveler truly has chosen Awokens, Exos, and Humans of its own free will...then there is no reason I should not reach inside, tear out the Light for myself, and leave this solar system in ashes!" Ghaul said. He tore his hand from The Speaker's neck.

"Only those the Traveler chooses will be reborn in the Light." The Speaker said in a cough.

"Yes...." Ghaul said walking away. "This I know. This is why I have claimed your planet, and why you still live." He turned to face me. Almost as if he could see me, even though he couldn't possibly have seen me.

"The Traveler will choose me, Speaker. And you are going to tell me how....."

I quickly shot up, breathing heavily. I could feel my hair matted to my forehead with sweat. Zivaya and Houka quickly ran up to me.

"Karza! Are you-" Houka began.

"I'm fine. Let's go now!" I said as I got up and started walking.

"What are we doing again? And what the hell happened to you?"

"We're going to Titan, and I just had a vison." I said.

"Of what?" Houka asked as she fell into step with me.

"Ghaul is using The Speaker to try and make the Traveler give him Light." I explained.

"But you can't-" I interrupted Zivaya from finishing.

"Make the Light choose you? No shit. Try telling that to this lunatic." I said.

"Okay, take it easy. Someone got your panties in a bunch." Zivaya said with her hands up.

"Yeah....Ghaul..." I said. And then I rolled my eyes and punched her hard enough to knock her on the ground. "Not like that you stupid piece of shit!"

We approached our ship and set off. Houka aimed the ship at a wormhole and then set it to auto pilot.

"Hawthorne already believes Zavala abandoned her and the survivors. Now that we're leaving.....if we say yes, we could help them survive. But, if Zavala really is building a counteroffensive on Titan, we can save them all, and take back the City." Houka said. I nodded. The monitor up front beeped and Houka walked up to it.

"What is it?" I asked.

"We're about to arrive at Titan." Houka said in an excited tone. 

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