Chapter 2: Who's this guy?

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We drove towards the city and parked just before entering it. We walked towards groups of people.
"Let us in!" was all I could hear, in different forms.

I looked up and noticed something aiming at us.

"Run!" I screamed.

The things started shooting something at the crowds. We ran between two buildings and hid. While we were hiding, men with masks on grabbed all of us and put us in trucks.

"Y/N!" Newt shouted trying to get out of the men's arms.

I was in the truck with Jorge and he looked like he was gonna beat the men up.

We finally parked and they were about to take us out, but Jorge punched a guy in the face.

"Where is she?!" he yelled as he repeatedly punched him.

"I'm right here Jorge" Brenda came out of the other car.

I didn't see Newt so I got worried and asked,"Where's Newt?" Brenda pointed behind me and he smiled. I smiled back at him.

Thomas was about to attack one of the guys until he said," It's ok, we're on the same side here."
He took of his mask revealing his face. He had short dirty blonde hair. Thomas looked angrily at him and tackled him.

"He killed Chuck!" he cried out

Newt pulled him back," I know, I was there too. But he was stung, he wasn't himself."
Thomas stopped and I spoke. " Yea, um guys. Who's he?"
The guy got up and kissed my hand," I am Gally, and you are?"
Newt grabbed my waist and glared at him,"This is my girlfriend, Y/N"
Gally frowned back at him.

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