Chapter 7: Paradise

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Thomas slowly got up and was headed for the WICKED building. I wiped my tears and looked up to Brenda," Bring his body to the berg, please," she nodded her head and I followed Thomas.

We got in the building and saw Ava Paige. Thomas pointed his gun at her," Is it true? Could I really have saved Newt?" She nodded her head," You can save your friends, or you can save us all." I did want to help everyone, get justice for Newt, but I felt like she would hurt us.

I gave Thomas a questioning look then spoke up," Do you promise not to hurt our friends?" Ava smiled at us," Yes, I pro-" She was interrupted by the sound of a gunshot. I looked down at her stomach, her white shirt turning crimson red. Someone covered my mouth and took me somewhere. Everything turned black.

I woke up tied to a chair next to Thomas, with Janson and Teresa in front of me. "Let us out of this," I spat in Janson's face. "Now, Y/N, I won't hurt you because you're pregnant. I'm not a monster, I'd never hurt my daughter or grandchild." he chuckled. Other kids are fine though, I thought to myself.

Janson lifted up his sleeve, showing his veins from the Flare," If Thomas's blood is the cure to this Flare, then he can cure only SOME of us. Meaning we'd only be able to choose a handful of people, me included."

Teresa injected something into Thomas, causing him to wake up. Janson then looked at him. "Please, help us out," I mouthed to Teresa. She nodded and grabbed a beaker, and swung it at Janson's head. He fell to the ground, giving Teresa time to untie me. I then untied Thomas, but Janson got up and tried to attack me and Teresa.

Thomas helped us, then we ran away from Janson. He started shooting at us so we ran into a lab. We hid when Janson came, me next to Thomas, bandaging him because he got shot. Janson found Teresa and held her gun point. "Y/N, come out and maybe I won't shoot your sister.

I grabbed an object, throwing it at Janson. He ducked so it hit a glass wall that contained two cranks." Missed me," he grinned. "Did I?" I said. The glass broke and the cranks attacked Janson. I grabbed Teresa and Thomas and the three of us ran up to the rooftop.

We tried to go back but the only exit caught on fire. Thomas fell to the ground." Thomas! No, Thomas please stay with us. I-I love you," Teresa kissed Thomas on the lips. "Err... guys, maybe you could do that when we're not about to die.

As if on cue, a berg came above us. It opened up showing Brenda, Minho, Frypan, basically everyone. I went on first, so I can grab them both. Thomas got on the berg, but before Teresa could get on, a building nearby crashed down onto the WICKED building. Teresa fell with it, to her death.

"Teresa!" I yelled. Brenda came over to me," Y/N, you need to rest, seeing as you're under a lot of stress and you're pregnant." I didn't reply back to her but I did go to sleep.

-time skip to 1 day-

I woke up in a bed, Thomas on the other side asleep. I got up and left the small hut I was in. Brenda came over to me," Y/N! You're awake," she handed me a paper," This was in your pocket when we got her, thought I'd keep it safe for ya."

I walked somewhere private to read the paper, the paper Newt gave me just minutes before he.. died..

(Listen to 'Say Something' or 'Flares' by The Script while reading this, if you want.)

The letter read:

Dear Y/N,

This is the first letter I can remember writing. Obviously I don't know if I wrote anything before the Glade. When I first met you, I felt something with you. Like we had a connection, like we knew each other before I lost my memories, and I did. Our first kiss, you made me remember things like, how it felt to love someone, how it felt to be loved, and honestly, love itself.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was sick. I thought I would be able to fight through it. If you are reading this, I'm dead. I was going to ask you to marry me. If you'd like the ring, I gave it to Thomas for safe keepings. I hope you made it to Paradise. Just know that I love you, and if I hadn't told you, please name our kid or kids Sunshine and Alby.

Your boyfriend,


This book is almost done :( I love writing this story, but I will have other books :)

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