Chapter 6: Please

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I am sooooooooooooo sorry about the yesterday! I have no idea why the text wasn't showing because when I previewed it, it was perfectly fine. Forgive me, I'm sorry!

The five of us ran again when I felt better, but we had to stop because Newt kept stumbling. We were hiding behind a few bushes when we heard explosions. "They're supposed to be taking down WICKED, not the entire city," I heard Gally say with anger and nervousness.

Newt was coughing up some blood so I came over to him. 'Newt, baby, it's going to be okay," I said, trying to make myself believe it too. He just hugged me and kissed me like it was going to be the last. Newt finally got up and we all ran between two buildings. Newt fell to the ground, coughing again and again.

"Newt!" I shrieked." Gally, you and Minho go to Brenda and get the medicine," Thomas commanded. They obeyed and left the three of us. Newt took a paper out of his pocket and handed it to me," Read it when you get to paradise." I started crying," No, keep it. I'm not going to need it because you're making it with us."

He got angry," Take it!" his voice suddenly softened," Please Y/N, please." I complied and took it from his hand. He turned to Thomas who was also crying, and handed him a paper too.

We got up and Thomas and I helped him walk. The three of us kept going until Newt fell for probably the third time. I tried helping him up (thanks Thomas for the help!) when a live broadcast started.

"Thomas," a female voice began," It's me Teresa. I know you can't trust me, but I need you to come back to me. You are the cure to the Flare, you could save Newt, the world. You just ne-" Teresa couldn't finish because the power went off. Newt finally got up to his feet, but he wasn't himself.

Newt ran to Thomas, pushing him to the floor, and started striking punches at his face. I ran to them and grabbed Newt's arms. He looked back to me and realized what he was doing. He took Thomas's gun and pointed it to his temple. Thomas slapped the gun out of his hands, irritating him. He took out his knife and tried to stab Thomas.

I pushed Newt away from Thomas. He then started swinging his knife to me as I kept dodging him. I suddenly felt the entire world stop. Newt fell to the ground, the knife stuck on his chest. Thomas and I fell to the floor." Newt? Newt!" I shook his body, hoping he could still be alive. Brenda and Minho came and saw his dead body and me and Thomas sobbing.

Noooooooooooooooooo! Newt's dead :( I knew I would have to write this part of the book sooner or later, sucks it had to be today. Also, my alternative book will hopefully be out next week because TheHamiltonDemigod requested it :) .

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