The Start of Something New.

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Chapter I: The Start of Something New

I’ll spread my wings and I’ll learn how to fly

I’ll do what it takes, till I touch the sky

I’ll make a wish, take a chance

Make a change

And breakaway

-Kelly Clarkson, “Breakaway”

Forks, Washington. Whoever thought of a name like that for a town? Forks, really? A crappy little town with a crappy little name.

I missed the city, with its beauty in lights, the excitement in the sounds of car horns and crowds of people. Of course my brother had to move us to one of the most depressing looking places I had ever seen. A place, some of my friends back in LA haven’t even heard of. A place with rare sunlight, lots of rain and small amounts of people.  

I groaned just thinking about it. “Tony, why? Why on Earth would you move us to a place called Forks?”

“I told you a thousand times Nina, it’s La Push we’re moving to, not Forks,” my older brother Tony told me.

“What’s the difference? It’s some miles away from it.” I muttered to myself.

“Nina, I know you miss LA. I’ll miss LA, too. But LA had way too much drama for us. This is our time to start fresh, on a clean slate.”

I decided not to argue with him. Tony was the best big brother a girl could ask for; it wasn’t fair of me to ignore what he’d done because of my selfish love for the city life. He even let me bring two of my friends, Lara and Naya. If you haven’t guessed by how close their names are, they’re sisters…and twins. A year ago their mom decided to go on a trip and never came back. Of course anyone in their right mind would think the same thing: what kind of mother would leave her two seventeen year-old daughters alone like that? So, being the good friend I hope I am, I begged Tony on hands and knees to take them in; it was only me, him and our younger brother Elijah in the house after mom passed. And Tony, being the great big brother he is, kindly agreed and let them move in. Did I already mention he’s the best brother a girl could have?

In the car, I looked out the window and scanned the areas of La Push. Not too bad, I shrugged. It’s better than Forks anyways. La Push seemed to have more sunlight, more nature and peaceful scenery. We even passed a beach along the way, and it was beautiful to say the least.

“Ooh a beach. One of your favorite places in Cali huh, Nina?”

“It’s alright, I guess.”

 “What do you think you guys?” I asked the twins, who were lounging in the back seats.

Lara shrugged.“Well, not as much as LA, but-

“This place does seem to have a certain… liking to it,” Naya cut in. I chuckled silently; whether it was Lara or Naya, the two twins were so connected that they finished each other’s sentences.

“Who knows? Now that we’re here, we might be able to waken this place up a little,” I said with a laugh.

“You got that right!” they both said in unison.

After about ten more minutes, Tony rolled up to our new home. The place was beautifully built with cobblestone, giving it a comfortable, homey feeling. Not to mention that it was huge, with five rooms with three bathrooms. Quickly, I and the twins hopped out the car and ran inside to call dibs on our rooms. From outside, I noticed a room that had two big windows and a tree was planted next to the house. Not to be too competitive, but that room was about to be mine. We climbed over each other on the steps and I made sure I was the first to run into the room I wanted.

“Dibs! I call dibs!” I yelled as I plopped on the floor of my new room.

“Man, Nina. Why do you always get the best rooms?” Elijah whined as he was the last to arrive upstairs.

“First come, first serve little bro. Better learn to run faster.” I said, ruffling his hair.

“Dibs!” I heard Jessie and Larry yell from their new rooms. I laughed softly, putting my backpack down on the floor and hopping down stairs to get my boxes. Tony entered our new home with a satisfied grin on his face, glancing towards me.

“So…what do you think?”

I sat on one of the steps and said, “I gotta hand it to you Tony, this house is amazing,”

“Told you so. Plus, we don’t live that far away from the beach.” He was trying to make me feel better, I knew that, but I couldn’t help but think of LA and the life we’d left behind. Tony sat next to me on the staircase and said, “I know it’s hard being new in town. But you’ll get used to La Push, sis. You’ll see…”

The corners of my mouth arched up before heading upstairs, boxes in my arms. For hours, I set up my room the way I’d wanted. I’d saved my mom’s picture for last, jumping on my queen-sized bed, staring up at her.

“Well, welcome to our new home mom.” I closed my eyes as my lips touched the glass that covered her photo and set it on the small table that sat next to my bed.


Dusk was arriving on First Beach, but Jacob had forgotten how many hours he sat there, watching the waves roll back and forth. His whole body ached with the painful heartbreak of losing Bella to that bloodsucking leech. He hadn’t seen her since she’d married him a week ago, but to him it only felt like eternity. He’d heard the steps of his friends behind him, but didn’t turn to look at them.

Embry and Quil stared at their friend, hopeless and broken. Embry sighed heavily, “Jake…you can’t do this to yourself.”

“What the hell am I supposed to do Embry?” Jake asked. “I love Bella.”

“Yeah, but she’s not here.” Quil added. “She’s with Edward, and you’re just killing yourself when all you do is think of her.”

“You don’t understand…”

“No, we understand perfectly,” Embry interrupted, getting upset.

“We just...we just want you to be happy, Jake.” Quil said before he nodded to Embry and the two left their friend to be alone once again. Jacob sighed to himself as the sun’s light completely vanished behind the waves. He knew his friends were only trying to help, but as he told them earlier, they just didn’t understand.

I can’t be happy without her…


Domino by Jessie J played in my earphones as I sat on my bed researching La Push on Google; need to know where I’m living right? Turns out La Push was a reservation for the Quileute Indian tribes, which I found very interesting. I also found beautiful scenery photos of the beach, the woods and its neighboring town of Forks.

“Come in!” My door opened and Tony’s face popped through.

“Hey there kiddo, what ‘cha up to?”

“Just researching our new home. Thought I’d be more comfortable if I knew where a few places were.”

“Sounds cool.”

“You know Tone, I was a little hesitant about the move, but you know what?  I’m over it. The house is great, the town may be small, but it’s…homey.”

“Thanks for understanding Nina. Good to know this place has grown on you a little. I’m a head to bed, night kiddo.”

“Night.” As Tony closed my door, I closed my laptop and sat it on my desk beside my mom’s picture. I observed the full moon and it’s illuminating light that shone through my windows before finally dozing off to sleep. 

*revised 5/17/14

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