The First Meet.

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Hey guys, new chapter. This is where Jacob and Nina meet for the first time.

Hope you guys enjoy, tell me what you think afterwards!

Chapter 2: The First Meeting

Hey, I just met you

And this is crazy

But here’s my number

So call me maybe

Carly Rae Jepsen, “Call Me Maybe”

Nina’s POV

My alarm awoke me from my sleep and I groaned, reaching for the noisemaker and shutting it off. I walked to the bathroom and took a nice hot shower that helped me wake up.

I rummaged through my suitcase, picking out my tan cargo pants and a white tee. After slipping on my clothes, I fixed my makeup and combed my wavy hair.

Walking down the stairs and into the kitchen, I grabbed an apple for breakfast.

“Morning kiddo.”

“Morning Ton.” I heard thundering footsteps coming down the stairs.

“Morning Nina-Bobina, Tony.”

“Morning beautiful twins of mine.”

“Ready for school?” Tony asked us.

“As we’ll ever be.”


(Nina's outfit:

La Push High was like any other high school, so I really wasn’t nervous or anything. It was a beautiful August day, and Jessie, Larry, and I walked into the school arm-in-arm, ready to start our new adventure. But as we were walking, crowds in the hall began to stop whatever they were doing and stare at us like they had never seen new girls before.

“Everyone is staring at us,” Jessie whispered.

“I know, just keep walking. Smile, we’ll make a good impression.” I whispered back. Now I really was getting nervous. Everyone was looking at us as if we were aliens. I breathed and kept calm. The more I did that, the more I saw that people were smiling at us, especially the guys.

“Ooh, I think I’m gonna like it here,” Larry giggled while we passed a group of cute guys.

Jacob’s POV

School. Ugh. Why was it even invented? I hate it. Embry and Quil walked with me into the school to find the rest of the pack.

“There they are.” Embry pointed at Jared, Paul, Seth and Leah. We walked towards them but they weren’t even paying attention.

“Hey guys, watcha lookin’ at?” Quil asked.

“These three,” Seth pointed his head to three new girls. The first two looked the same: tan, brown-eyed girls. Twins. The other was…the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life. A light caramel-colored beauty with a slender body and beautiful smile. I looked into her steely-blue eyes, and I was done. All the pain that I’d felt was gone. My feelings for anyone were gone. There was no one more important now. Bella wasn’t important now. I felt like my heart had just exploded with happiness. She’s my soul mate. My imprint.

“Jake? What’s wrong with you man?” I heard Seth say. I knew the answer, but for some reason my mouth wouldn’t open. I could feel the pack’s eyes on me, but I didn’t care. All that mattered was her.

By the Light of the Moon (Jacob Black)Where stories live. Discover now