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A big issue inside of the black community. I know that at the end of the day, we're all black, but that doesn't erase the colorism.

You're more likely to see a light skinned woman on tv. Many darker skinned women will find themselves struggling with self hate, because the light skinned, loose curled woman, is what is pushed as the beautiful black woman.

All black woman are beautiful, no matter how dark or light your skin is, or how kinky or curly your hair is. At the end of the day we ARE all black, and we should all be fighting to end colorism. We should be trying to remove self hate. We should be putting an end to the light skin versus dark skin mess, we are all equal.

How can we convince the media that dark skin is beautiful and that dark skin needs more representation, when we're on social media adding fuel to the light skin v. dark skin problems? We need to have a united front.

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