What is Womanism?

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What is womanism?

Womanism is a black girl's alternative to feminism. We focus on issues inside of the black community. Instead of just focusing on gender, we factor in race.

I personally like womanism more than feminism, because it's more relatable.

Anyway, feminism now has been so diluted. Many feminists harp about slaying the patriarchy instead of focusing on real issues. Feminism is supposed to be about the equality of genders, but what about how black men are demonized?

What about how hispanic men are stereotyped as drug dealers and thugs? What about how black men are seen as drug dealers and thugs? What about how white women are not? But feminism is about gender, not race.... If men of color are not included in feminism, then you can't claim intersectionality.

Do you have any idea how ridculous it looks for a white woman in America to say she is "oppressed"?

Womanism: A Black Girls Alternative To FeminismOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora