Dear Becky

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Dear Becky,

You're annoying and I wish you would go away.

You seem to find a way onto every Instagram post that recognizes the beauty of black women.

Dear Becky,

You claim that all women are beautiful, but when you see black women being put down and insulted because of their hair or the color of their skin? Nothing.

Dear Becky,

You don't know the difference between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation and you fail to listen to the appropriated when they try to tell you what you're doing wrong.

Dear Becky,

You expect me to educate you.

Dear Becky,

You're oppressed because you're a woman.
But racism is dead because there's been one black president. Everybody is equal except you of course, because you're a white woman with no privilege whatsoever.

Dear Becky,

You're racist in subtle ways and you're completey blind to it- but you have one black friend so you couldn't possibly be racist.

Dear Becky,

You don't see color, so you don't see racism, and thefore it doesn't exist.

Dear Becky,
Nothing has changed, you still can't say the n word.

Dear Becky,

Sometimes you just need to listen to us, give the mic back, sit back. You don't need to speak for us, we would speak for ourselves if you gave us the chance. You are not the savior. You are not the Great White Hope. We are not a project.

A Black Girl

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