Not Seeing Color is a Problem

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"I don't see color".
I hate that sentence with a passion. It's an easy way out of talking discrimination and oppression, it's an easy way to turn a blind eye to racism. It's dismissing the struggle of people of color.

I especially hate it when feminists say this. "We're all women, I don't see color", that is white washing feminism and it's extremely problematic.

You can't live in the United States and not see color. Race and racism is what makes America, America. This country was built on the backs of Africans stolen from their countries and their descendants. It was built on the land stolen from Native Americans. The same country that claimed that "every man is equal" oppressed anyone who was not white.

Everything in the previous chapter effects us today. The struggles of our ancestors effect us today. The evil of the colonizers and the oppression of the US government effects us today. But through that, we survived. Black people survived. Not seeing color disrespects our history and our struggle.

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