Dear Black Women

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Dear Black Women,

Thank you for everything you have done for the black community, and for all communities. Though they often go unappreciated, your contributions are still tremendous.
Thank you for the way you continuously fight for our rights, the way you always have our backs- even though sometimes no one has yours.

I look in Hollywood, the media, my community, the world around me. and everywhere I look I see strong black women. I see the prayer warriors who are matriarchs and the steadying hand in their families. I see the women who constantly fight for our community. I see the women who have gotten a seat at the table and are making sure that everyone gets a slice of the pie. I see the women who give you the advice you didn't know you needed, the ones who are the mothers some black youth never got to have. They are the models of a young black women.

The black community owes you a debt that can never be paid, yet you wouldn't receive it. You are the example young black girls like me look up to; we aspire to follow in your footsteps. The ones who teach us, and raise us, and give everything we need to survive are so valuble to our wellbeing, and we sometime take that for granted.

Thank you.

A Black Girl

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