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J: hey so like

T: what

J: r u actually coming on Sunday with us

T: yea I guess

T: I just kind of went with the flow

J: oh I see

J: wanna go tgt

T: wdym aren't we all going

J: no like I can drive us there

J: I mean like we live in the same apartment building

T: okay sure

T: just don't kill me

J: I won't LOL

T: what about Namjoon tho he lives next to you

J: yea he's okay on his own

T: what a great friend

T: y'all ignored him in the chat

J: yea we do that to him a lot

T: that's mean

J: i mean sometimes I respond

J: it's everyone else who completely ignores what he says

J: I'm not that mean

T: right

T: ur just annoying

J: is this the noise thing again because I've been quiet for a week now

J: I haven't recorded anything even though I should be

T: then record

T: when I'm not home

T: I bet u probably don't even do anything all day

J: wow thanks I'm quite busy during the day but I'll try Taehyung

T: don't call me by my name

J: why are u so mean to me

T: Look we're not friends

T: so stop acting like ur doing everything for me by putting me in a group chat or trying to hang out with me

J: okay

J: tbh that hurt a little

T: boo hoo get over it

J: I'm sorry for trying to make friends

T: u just picked the wrong person

T: look, I already said I'm going on Sunday so I'll go

J: it's okay I can tell them u can't come

T: it's fine

J: it's fine I'll tell them u can't come because u have another exam or something

T: I said I'm going

J: u don't have to I annoyed u enough

T: wtf I said I'll go

J: and I said u can stay home and do ur fucking math

T: wow really

T: Now ur just not letting me go

J: i don't want u to come now

T: what the fuck

J: ur just annoying as I am Taehyung

J: oops sorry for using ur name

T: ur really being that person right now

J: what person? Oh u mean urself? Because yeah I'm trying to be like u

T: u know this is all ur fucking fault

J: yea I made the noise, I forced u to my group chat and forced u to hang out with us

J: completely my fault sorry

T: u just sound sarcastic as u did before we even had this conversation

J: sorry i was being that person

T: that's it I'm done

J: I'm done too neighbour



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