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Morgana contemplated the broken gate before her, her eyes sweeping over it's broken mechanisms and rotted wood.  Above it, with almost unreadable lettering hung a sign.

Hadrian Magic Knight Academy

Her heart sank as a slightly salty breeze passed by, and the sign, which had be hanging precariously on one side shuddered and cracked, breaking in half and sending it crashing to the dusty ground below.

After years of waiting, her family had finally acquired enough money to allow her to fulfill her dream of becoming a Magic Knight, yet what stood before her was not what she had imagined, not even in the slightest.

Jingling the coin purse attached to her belt, she contemplated turning back and heading home, but the weight of the money at her side stopped her. Her brother had worked himself nearly to death trying to save up enough money to send her there, there was no way she could let his hard work be for nothing.

She shuddered, imagining what he'd do to her if she came back.

Standing tall, she took a deep breath and stepped forward.

I mean,  it can't be that bad. Right?

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