🗝Chapter One: New Student

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Morganna passed through the gate, eyes wide open in wonderment as she made her way along a curving, winding path. Wildflowers in various colora bloomed on each side of her and large trees canopied the area above, their leaves shaking and shivering as a slight breeze blew through. The beauty of it all calmed her nervous heart.

It was the first time she'd left the comfort of her home, the first time finally decided to find her own way in the world. For other girls her age it would have been terrifying, yet Morganna was more than excited, she was ecstatic. Her dream was about to come true.

Life at home was boring, stagnant, and tiresome. She was tired of the constant abusive tirades against her. She had always wanted something more and finally had finally found her path against it.

Gazing through the thick expanse of trees and bushes, she strode down the path, she found herself smiling softly as she hummed.

Perhaps it was just the gate that was in such disrepair, maybe it was a deterrent for those who were unworthy. She thought to herself

Stopping for a moment, she bent down to inspect a cloudy, somewhat opaque rock that lay off the path. Gliding her fingers over it, she felt it's smooth ridges and almost buttery texture and giggled softly. Putting it in her pocket to inspect it more later, she continued on.

Finally, after what felt like nearly an hour, and many interesting rocks later, she arrived at what appeared to be the academy itself.

The buildings were old, a few seemed to be missing windows while others were painted in colors that didn't quite match. Paint peeled in long, curling strips.

She made her way to what she assumed was the main building, passing by groups of students all dressed in various colors of uniforms. She ignored their glances and made her way to the end of the main hall.

Pulling out her knapsack, she read the instructions once again, though truthfully she had already ingrained them into her mind long before. It was a comfort thing for her, she supposed.

"Submit your enrollment fee and tuition to the bookkeeper, she will give you your instructors name and directions to them. " Morganna whispered to herself. Gazing around, she saw no sign that told her who she looked for, no direction to go in.

"Oh god... what have I gotten myself into. This is a scam, I just know it." Again, she spoke to herself, but this time a few random students seemed to have heard her.

One student glanced at her and after a brief few words to the others surrounding him headed in her direction.

"I'm guessing you're new?" He asked, his head of floppy brown curls shaking ever so slightly as he eyed her up and down. He was shorter than her and probably younger, but Morganna cared little. Someone had been kind enough to talk to her and she was not one to look a gift horse in its mouth.

"I am, though I'm not sure where I'm supposed to go."

The boy smiled, green eyes devious but kind. "It's like that in the beginning, you get used to it though. Here," he reached for the paper in her hands and scanned it before handing it back. "I'll take you to the book keeper, and if you need help finding your instructor, I can help as well."

She nodded. "Thank you, my name is Morganna, it's very nice to meet you..."

"Alfred, I'm a second year student by the way. "

She nodded, but said nothing as he led her up a few flights of stairs. He warned her ever so often which step to avoid, or where to release the banister and chatted randomly about the school.

"Our instructors are all different, depending on who has availability, or depending on your skills. If you don't know how to read or do arithmetic, they may have you go to another instructor. Our rooming is a little cramped, but you'll fare well since you're a girl." He stopped and stared back at her, blushing slightly. "I mean a woman."

Morganna laughed, and urged him to continue on.

"We don't get too many girls truthfully. The ratio is generally one female to five males, and some of the men are... quiet lewd. Though you're kind of intimidating, so I doubt you'll have any problems."

Again he stopped, obviously worried he'd insulted her.

"I've been told that before, I guess that is why I rarely had any male suitors in my home town." She laughed heartily and patted Alfred on the back. "Thank you."

Finally, they'd made their way to the top floor, where an old woman in a tight black dress that seemed older than her peered at them from behind a large desk.

"What are you doing here, Alfred, your classes start soon."

Alfred sheepishly smiled at the old lady and motioned to Morganna.

"She didn't know where to go, so I told her I'd take her to you. Promise. "

The woman tutted, and pointed to the door. Her eyes demanding what her mouth did not have to say.

Alfred nervously glanced at her before he passed the door leading him back out.

"Oh yeah, Morganna, come find me if you ever want hang ou-"

The door slammed shut and the woman before Morganna had stood, her fingers pointed at the door as brown sparks erupted from them.

Sitting back down, the old woman clicked her nails against the desk before her.

"Identification." She demanded.

It took Morganna a moment to realize what she meant, and after a few moments of searching, she pulled out her admittance letter. The old woman eyed it before handing it back.


Morganna slowly reached for the coinbag at her waist, unsure if she was making the right decision. The other woman sensed her hesitation and for the first time seemed to truly see the female before her.

"I know you're nervous, young lady, but I promise there is more than what meets the eye, it may look like a dump, but we do have some of the finest teachers around."

Morganna nodded and handed over the money. After checking it, the old woman nodded before handing the purse back to her. After putting it aside, the woman picked up a sheet of parchment, her fingers searching for Morganna's name.

"Ah, here we are. Your instructor is good one, you got lucky." The old woman smiled slightly, though Morganna wasn't sure if it was that or a sneer, and handed an envelope to her

"Thank you, ma'am"

The old woman waved her hand and gestured for Morganna to leave. Bidding the woman goodbye, she began her descent to the main hall, clutching the envelope in her hand.
Finally, after making it to the bottom and only tripping twice, she opened it.

"Room 9, Astria Building, Second Hall"

Morganna scratched her head, wondering why the whole place had to be so confusing before remembering seeing the words engraved on the front of the building she was in.

Sighing, she glanced around until she realized that not a single student was in the hall. Class had obviously started and she was late.

"Damn it, damn it, Gods damn it all." she muttered as she hurriedly searched for what she assumed was the second hall. Her feet tapping against the wooden floor beneath her as she ran from door to door searching for the number, finally finding it, she grasped the handle and took a deep breath.

Magic Knight Morganna Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora